Friday, December 23, 2011

Cookies everywhere!

Madness!  That's exactly what it's been like around here.  Between Christmas shopping, work, and hanging out with friends, it's actually quite amazing that I accomplished my ultimate goal of the season...cookie baking!  Yes, I am one of those crazy women who bakes batches and batches of Christmas cookies.

Ironically, I don't even remember when I started doing this.  It used to be a small production...just a handful of cookies for a handful of friends and family.  Now I've got over 20 people on my list and this year I have made over 500 cookies!  Insanity.  The funny thing about it is that the size of my kitchen has not I am still baking all of these cookies in my small, 2 feet of counter space, single gas oven, kitchen.  And don't think for second there's any room in my freezer...let's just say it's jammed with Christmas love.

Why do I do this?  Initially, I would say it's because I am crazy.  I mean, I have gone through POUNDS of butter!  Me, a dietitian...going through pounds of butter.  Hilarious!  If given a little more time to answer, I guess I would say it's because I love it.  I find great joy in researching the chosen cookies and of course, baking them.  Also because there's nothing better than giving the handmade gift of yummy, homemade cookies. 

So, as I am icing my last batch of cookies, I am smiling because I can't wait to get these things to their rightful owners! 

Merry Christmas to all!
Martha makes Christmas cookies too!
(image from good housekeeping)

Friday, December 16, 2011

You go on with your bad-self Chipotle

Hello, my name is Sara and I am addicted to Chipotle.

Ok, maybe addicted is the wrong word, but I sure do love their chicken soft tacos.  Amazingly, a Chipotle just opened a few blocks down the road...within walking distance...finally!

My love for Chipotle has recently grown because of the following things:
1) They have made corn tortillas addition to the regular flour.  Fantastic!
2) They have made brown rice available...a much better choice than that plain white stuff.
3) They serve only hormone-free and antibiotic-free chicken and beef...what? Awesome!

In fact, point number 3 was recently in the news.  See the link below:

So, Chipotle, I say to you...keep up the good work and thanks for looking out for us!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Something special

Have you ever been asked to be a part of something really special?  This past weekend the husband and I were in that very situation.

My brother, the sweet guy that he is, asked the husband and I if we could help him in planning and executing the perfect proposal to his girlfriend.  Honored and excited, of course we said yes!  Why did he ask us?  Well, because he wanted the event to take place in our lovely city...Chicago!  Fun!

So the husband and I spent our recent evening walks home from work figuring out a plan and taking pictures of the venues my brother had thought would be perfect for the proposal. 

My brother and the husband had the plan all figured out by Thursday evening and by Friday, we were ready to execute "project engagement."

Everything went perfectly and she said "yes!"  It was beautiful and so sweet...I have never seen my brother so happy (she seemed pretty happy too!) 

Congratulations to two amazing people and thank you for letting us share such a special evening (and weekend) with you!  And to my soon-to-be are amazing and thank you for making my brother so incredibly happy. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

It's an Almond Puff!

Have you ever heard of an almond puff?  Me least until a few weeks ago.  I happened to be doing some research for work and came across a recipe for one.  I was intrigued...I love almonds and I love baked goods and I love puffy things...ok, maybe I don't love puffy things, but it seemed like the right thing to say.  :)

Anyway, it turns out that almond puffs are delicious!!!  And relatively easy to make.  If you are looking for a dessert/breakfast item to wow guests, this is the one.  I found this recipe on the King Arthur Flour website and am posting the recipe link below.  Enjoy and just an FYI, this one isn't too healthy...but a small little slice is enough...especially with a cup of coffee...just a suggestion.  :)

Pie crust dough meets Pâte à Choux dough...a partnership made in heaven.

Baked lovliness.

Brushed with organic strawberry's just getting better!

Then topped with toasted almonds and vanilla icing...yum!

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Funny Thing Happened at Trader Joe's

I was at my favorite store, Trader Joe's, checking out the shelf of canned tomatoes, when an older gentleman, about 70ish, pulled up next to me.  He was decked out in green shamrock gear and riding a Hover-round bedazzled with Irish-inspired decorations.  Awesome!  This guy looked like a cross between Santa Claus and a giant Leprachan. 

Like I said, he pulled up next to me and we had the following conversation:

Irish Santa: "Excuse me miss, but can I ask you a question?"
Me: "Of course."
Irish Santa: "I noticed your North Face jacket...did you know that they have a new competitor?" 
Me: "No? Who's that?"
Irish Santa: "South Butt."  Laughter...lots of laughter.
Me: Awkward silence...polite laughter..."hilarious." 

Really, could I have set him up any better?  I think this guy was waiting all day to use that line and as weird and inappropriate as it was, it was hilarious. 

Thank you Irish Santa for making my day.  Hopefully next time you'll have something just as funny and weird to ask me.