Friday, September 2, 2011

Move it!

Yes, I command you to move it!!!  That is, get some exercise, please...pretty please?

If you really need yet another reason to exercise, check out the latest research as discussed on USA TODAY:

Intense Exercise Burns Calories Long after a Workout, Study Says
Men who got 45 minutes of intense exercise on a stationary bike burned an extra 190 calories over the 14 hours after their workout, Appalachian State University researchers reported in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. They said the findings should hold true for women, and also may apply to other activities, such as running or high-intensity basketball or soccer.

Click the link below for the full article:

True, 190 calories may not sound like a lot, but if you think about it.....

1) You aren't even exercising during that time to burn those calories.
2) You just burned off that Tall 2% Latte that you enjoyed this morning from Starbucks.
3) That's 190 calories you wouldn't have burned had you not exercised.
4) If weight loss isn't your goal, than burning those 190 calories makes it easier for you to enjoy that little chocolate treat at the end of the day.
5) In about 18 days you will have lost about 1 pound just from those extra calories!  (Fun fact - it takes about 3500 calories to gain/lose 1 pound...keep that one in your back pocket for the next time you are on Jeopardy!)

Go on now...exercise!

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