For those of you that know me personally, you may be a little saddened that I have the time to sit and write a post today. For those of you that don't know me, you likely didn't think anything about what's the big deal? Well, let's just say that the oven is hot and the bun is still cookin'.
I kept trying to talk our little one into being one of the 3% that is actually born on their due date, but no, she wasn't having it. Instead, I spent the entire night of sleep waiting for it to happen. I know that's totally ridiculous, but I kept thinking it was going to happen. I must have flipped a million times last night, feeling my belly, wondering if what I felt was a true such luck. Instead, I woke up tired and wishing the sun didn't have to shine so brightly into our living room.
I want you to realize that I completely understand that this birth-thing is out of my control, but it seems to be the only thing that occupies my mind these days. Go figure. Every time I step outside for a walk or some other task, I am sure that my water will break (which apparently doesn't even happen that often) and I will go into labor right there on the sidewalk. This scares the heck out of me because, as you know, I live in Chicago, and our sidewalks aren't known for being super clean and sterile. Or what if I am at Target or the grocery store? Or worse, what if I am on the El? Yikes! Luckily, my train days are mostly over for the moment, so the train possibility is pretty slim...but still, what a nightmare that would be!
So hopefully this will be my last post before our bundle of joy arrives. After that, we'll see how random and discombobulated these posts will become. Until then, I will do my best to enjoy my final seconds, minutes, hours, and days of pregnancy!
Preheating the Oven Chicago
Cooking, eating, and waiting for a baby
This is a blog about my love of food (I am a chef and total foodie), my journey with infertility (let's just say it's no walk in the park) and my passion for nutrition (I'm a dietitian, but I am not the food police, I promise!)
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
The Final Days
This is it! I am nearing the finish line of this pregnancy. Can you believe it? Neither can I! Well, yes I can actually because my body is telling me it's done. Nature certainly has a funny way of turning your thoughts from "I'm not ready yet" to "I am completely and utterly READY." Now, am I really ready? Of course not, no one ever really is, but let's just say I am more ready than I have ever been. On that note, I would like to share with you some of the things that have been occupying my mind as well as some things that are floating through my head. Hold on tight...this will be random, and totally meaningless.
1) What's the best part of going to the doctor these days? Glad you asked. It definitely has to be peeing in that little plastic cup. Every time they hand me that little cup I laugh to myself. I laugh because it is nearly an impossible feat. I mean it's a challenge to pee in that little cup when you're not pregnant, let alone when you are almost at your due date. Isn't there a better way???
2) I have gone from being completely scared by labor (no thanks to TLC's A Baby Story) to more of a mentality of "bring it on!" Again, I suppose this is nature's way of arming you for the big day. Luckily, as my mom pointed out, I have dealt with pain plenty of times...I never seemed to shy away from it before, so why start now? Pain means progress and pain = baby!
3) I am currently in the process of asking everyone I know that's ever been pregnant what they have done to trigger labor. From long walks to strange things that I won't post here, I have officially heard it all. Wanting to do my own research, I of course went straight to the most reliable source I know...the internet. Googling this topic has ended with mixed results and I am beginning to wonder if any of it actually works. I think this is another sign that I am ready.
4) I am wondering if I will ever be the smart, quick-witted person I was before I was pregnant. I am not saying I was a genius or anything, but man, I sure felt smarter 9 months ago. I didn't believe people when they told me I was going to lose my mind, but I am sure that I have and if you asked the husband, he would find some nice way of agreeing that yes, I have lost my mind. We both want to know when I will get it back...ever?
5) On a related note, I am a hot mess of emotions. I am usually not the type that cries at everything or has drastic mood swings, but these days, it's anybody's guess on how I am going to react to a situation. It's actually hilarious...not at the time of course...but afterward, when I've settled down from whatever "moment" I was having. Sometimes I don't even know what I was so worked up about...which is super fun for the husband I'm sure. I am fully blaming this on hormones!
Well, that's enough fun for now. Here's to the final few days of this pregnancy! It's been amazing and wonderful...but I can officially say with conviction that I am ready to meet my little one.
1) What's the best part of going to the doctor these days? Glad you asked. It definitely has to be peeing in that little plastic cup. Every time they hand me that little cup I laugh to myself. I laugh because it is nearly an impossible feat. I mean it's a challenge to pee in that little cup when you're not pregnant, let alone when you are almost at your due date. Isn't there a better way???
2) I have gone from being completely scared by labor (no thanks to TLC's A Baby Story) to more of a mentality of "bring it on!" Again, I suppose this is nature's way of arming you for the big day. Luckily, as my mom pointed out, I have dealt with pain plenty of times...I never seemed to shy away from it before, so why start now? Pain means progress and pain = baby!
3) I am currently in the process of asking everyone I know that's ever been pregnant what they have done to trigger labor. From long walks to strange things that I won't post here, I have officially heard it all. Wanting to do my own research, I of course went straight to the most reliable source I know...the internet. Googling this topic has ended with mixed results and I am beginning to wonder if any of it actually works. I think this is another sign that I am ready.
4) I am wondering if I will ever be the smart, quick-witted person I was before I was pregnant. I am not saying I was a genius or anything, but man, I sure felt smarter 9 months ago. I didn't believe people when they told me I was going to lose my mind, but I am sure that I have and if you asked the husband, he would find some nice way of agreeing that yes, I have lost my mind. We both want to know when I will get it back...ever?
5) On a related note, I am a hot mess of emotions. I am usually not the type that cries at everything or has drastic mood swings, but these days, it's anybody's guess on how I am going to react to a situation. It's actually hilarious...not at the time of course...but afterward, when I've settled down from whatever "moment" I was having. Sometimes I don't even know what I was so worked up about...which is super fun for the husband I'm sure. I am fully blaming this on hormones!
Well, that's enough fun for now. Here's to the final few days of this pregnancy! It's been amazing and wonderful...but I can officially say with conviction that I am ready to meet my little one.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
My Showstopping Bump
The newest, most sure way to get noticed these days? Get a baby bump!
No, I am not kidding, I have never received so much attention in all of my life. These days I feel like a celebrity...except no one is taking my picture or asking for autographs. Seriously though, this baby is kind of a big deal for everyone.
No matter where I go these days, the bump gets some serious gawks. On the train yesterday on my way to the doctor, a nice woman asked me if I would like her seat and then she went on to tell me how great I looked...she couldn't get enough of the bump. On a walk later that evening, the husband informed me that a couple across the street were staring and smiling at the bump...he confided in me that it was a little creepy. Indeed, it can be creepy having all of these people staring at my belly...but let's just say, I have gotten used to the staring since I carry the bump with me wherever I go!
What's funny is that I am absolutely, 100% sure that I am a baby bump gawker myself. I know that I have stared at many a pregnant belly in amazement and awe. It's truly a fascinating feat of nature and I suppose, that most people, like me, just can't help themselves.
So, I'll take the bump stares and cheeky smiles all day...because it seems to bring everyone great joy....just be sure to ask before you even think of taking one picture!
No, I am not kidding, I have never received so much attention in all of my life. These days I feel like a celebrity...except no one is taking my picture or asking for autographs. Seriously though, this baby is kind of a big deal for everyone.
No matter where I go these days, the bump gets some serious gawks. On the train yesterday on my way to the doctor, a nice woman asked me if I would like her seat and then she went on to tell me how great I looked...she couldn't get enough of the bump. On a walk later that evening, the husband informed me that a couple across the street were staring and smiling at the bump...he confided in me that it was a little creepy. Indeed, it can be creepy having all of these people staring at my belly...but let's just say, I have gotten used to the staring since I carry the bump with me wherever I go!
What's funny is that I am absolutely, 100% sure that I am a baby bump gawker myself. I know that I have stared at many a pregnant belly in amazement and awe. It's truly a fascinating feat of nature and I suppose, that most people, like me, just can't help themselves.
So, I'll take the bump stares and cheeky smiles all day...because it seems to bring everyone great joy....just be sure to ask before you even think of taking one picture!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
The Anxious Mom-to-Be
It won't be long until our little one arrives and we are beyond excited!
Personally, I have a little bit of anxiety mixed in with this excitement. Why you ask, would I feel this way? Well, let me explain....
As you all know, the journey to get to this point was long, arduous, sad, happy, painful, joyous...a roller coaster of feelings and emotions. Because of our personal journey, it has made me even more aware of everything during my pregnancy. This has caused me to question every side effect, every movement of the baby, every non-movement of the baby...everything. I have never relied so strongly on my faith to get me through something. I prayed (and still do!) and prayed that our little one would make it this far...and indeed the praying (not just by me) has paid off.
The anxiety also has to do with the fact that I will be a first-time mom! The thought is just a wee bit scary. I look at all of the moms I friends, my sisters-in-law, my mother-in-law, my aunts, my grandmas and especially my mom and I am in awe. They have all done such an amazing job as moms, that frankly, I am a little bit intimidated. I am so fortunate to know all of these women and am certainly going to be looking to them for guidance. I hope to be as wonderful of a mom to my child as they all have been to their children.
Along with being a first-time mom is the anxiety that comes with the unknown. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I am so nervous about everything...pulling a onesie over our little one's head, giving our little one a bath, breastfeeding our little one, changing our little one's diaper, and the list goes on. We are going to be responsible for another human and that is just out-right crazy! And wonderful!
Here's the deal though...yes, anxiety is generally a bad thing...but it has given me an opportunity for reflection. Here is what I do know. I know that I have an amazing support system around me of friends and family. I know that I have an absolutely amazing husband who is my ultimate partner in life and soon to be the best father to our little one. Finally, I know that when our little one comes, my heart will melt and all of my anxieties and fears will be pushed out of the way. The part of me that has waited all of these years to be a mom will burst out of me and will reassure me that, yes, I can do this....I was in fact, meant for this.
Personally, I have a little bit of anxiety mixed in with this excitement. Why you ask, would I feel this way? Well, let me explain....
As you all know, the journey to get to this point was long, arduous, sad, happy, painful, joyous...a roller coaster of feelings and emotions. Because of our personal journey, it has made me even more aware of everything during my pregnancy. This has caused me to question every side effect, every movement of the baby, every non-movement of the baby...everything. I have never relied so strongly on my faith to get me through something. I prayed (and still do!) and prayed that our little one would make it this far...and indeed the praying (not just by me) has paid off.
The anxiety also has to do with the fact that I will be a first-time mom! The thought is just a wee bit scary. I look at all of the moms I friends, my sisters-in-law, my mother-in-law, my aunts, my grandmas and especially my mom and I am in awe. They have all done such an amazing job as moms, that frankly, I am a little bit intimidated. I am so fortunate to know all of these women and am certainly going to be looking to them for guidance. I hope to be as wonderful of a mom to my child as they all have been to their children.
Along with being a first-time mom is the anxiety that comes with the unknown. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I am so nervous about everything...pulling a onesie over our little one's head, giving our little one a bath, breastfeeding our little one, changing our little one's diaper, and the list goes on. We are going to be responsible for another human and that is just out-right crazy! And wonderful!
Here's the deal though...yes, anxiety is generally a bad thing...but it has given me an opportunity for reflection. Here is what I do know. I know that I have an amazing support system around me of friends and family. I know that I have an absolutely amazing husband who is my ultimate partner in life and soon to be the best father to our little one. Finally, I know that when our little one comes, my heart will melt and all of my anxieties and fears will be pushed out of the way. The part of me that has waited all of these years to be a mom will burst out of me and will reassure me that, yes, I can do this....I was in fact, meant for this.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Course Completed
It's official, we are now thoroughly prepared for childbirth. Ok, maybe not, but the 3 week course at the hospital about labor and delivery did provide us with some decent information.
The last day of class was probably the most useful...our instructor explained what happens when you arrive at the hospital, where you go, where your partner can park the car, etc. Good information. I was pretty excited because this class was also the class where we got to tour the hospital. Funny to be excited about something like that. :)
Finally, after 2 hours of class and about a million questions regarding circumcision, we were on our way for the big tour. As we gathered in the hallway, our instructor noticed that a couple was missing. No big deal, we'll wait a few minutes for them I thought. (A little background, this class was held AFTER work from 6:30-9pm...and I am super-pregnant!) So, we stood there and our instructor kept looking's about 8:30 at this point...finally, I think about 15 minutes later, they show up. You know where they were? Getting Starbucks! What!? We waited for them to get Starbucks? I was furious and the husband seemed irritated too. Grrrrr....let's get on with this tour!
Off we went, like a little group of kids on a field trip...we visited the triage area (small, but nice), then it was off to the labor and delivery room (huge and full of fun looking contraptions, including some seriously large overhead football field ones...aimed right in on the action...yikes!), and then to the post-partum room (pretty much just a hospital room with a bassinet in it). Overall, very nice, but definitely not the "really-nice hotel" description that someone had told me about the place. (Wonder what kind of hotels they stay at?)
After the tour, I was happy to be on my way home. The husband and I had a good laugh about this 3 class series and the random people in our class, including our instructor. Even though it was late and I was tired, I felt joyful. I have been blessed with an amazing life, amazing family, an amazing husband....and amazing new little baby!
The last day of class was probably the most useful...our instructor explained what happens when you arrive at the hospital, where you go, where your partner can park the car, etc. Good information. I was pretty excited because this class was also the class where we got to tour the hospital. Funny to be excited about something like that. :)
Finally, after 2 hours of class and about a million questions regarding circumcision, we were on our way for the big tour. As we gathered in the hallway, our instructor noticed that a couple was missing. No big deal, we'll wait a few minutes for them I thought. (A little background, this class was held AFTER work from 6:30-9pm...and I am super-pregnant!) So, we stood there and our instructor kept looking's about 8:30 at this point...finally, I think about 15 minutes later, they show up. You know where they were? Getting Starbucks! What!? We waited for them to get Starbucks? I was furious and the husband seemed irritated too. Grrrrr....let's get on with this tour!
Off we went, like a little group of kids on a field trip...we visited the triage area (small, but nice), then it was off to the labor and delivery room (huge and full of fun looking contraptions, including some seriously large overhead football field ones...aimed right in on the action...yikes!), and then to the post-partum room (pretty much just a hospital room with a bassinet in it). Overall, very nice, but definitely not the "really-nice hotel" description that someone had told me about the place. (Wonder what kind of hotels they stay at?)
After the tour, I was happy to be on my way home. The husband and I had a good laugh about this 3 class series and the random people in our class, including our instructor. Even though it was late and I was tired, I felt joyful. I have been blessed with an amazing life, amazing family, an amazing husband....and amazing new little baby!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Back to Baking
Have you noticed that it's been a long time since I posted anything about my baking adventures? I know, it's been sad for me too. You see, it's been the hottest summer here in Chicago...multiple 90 degree days in a row and that does not make for good baking weather. (It's also not so awesome for pregnancy)
However, we have finally struck gold in the weather department...mid-70's...perfect for baking. You can just imagine how happy I was that I could finally open my windows again and get the oven roaring. The husband also noted the weather change and inquired "It seems like a good day for baking, don't you think?" Cute! Of course! So, off I went and I had the perfect recipe I wanted to try.
The recipe is actually from the May 2012 issue of Bon Appetit. A little backstory...back in the earlier days of my pregnancy I couldn't stand the sight or smell of most foods. That sort of put a major dent in reading all of my culinary-related magazine subscriptions. So, I am a little behind...obviously, still stuck in May. Anyway, this recipe intrigued me because it just looked so tasty. Not sure that I agree with the creator's commentary about it being healthier than regular pound cake...but I suppose it is...a tiny bit.
The result? The cake is yummy. It's even better when topped with fresh, sliced strawberries. I did make a few alterations (because you know I can't help myself), but you could follow the recipe as is. This would also be yummy if made with orange zest or even lime zest. It actually seems like the possibilities are endless. Plus, it's easy! Go ahead, save that money you would've spent at Starbucks on their cakes, and make your own! Bon Appetit!
French Yogurt Cake
from: Bon Appetit, May 2012
Nonstick vegetable oil spray
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup sugar (I used 3/4 cup sugar)
1 tablespoon finely grated lemon zest (I used about 1.5 tablespoons)
3/4 cup whole-milk Greek yogurt (I used 2% fat Greek yogurt)
1/2 cup vegetable oil (I used 6 tablespoons instead of the 8 in a 1/2 cup)
2 large eggs
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
However, we have finally struck gold in the weather department...mid-70's...perfect for baking. You can just imagine how happy I was that I could finally open my windows again and get the oven roaring. The husband also noted the weather change and inquired "It seems like a good day for baking, don't you think?" Cute! Of course! So, off I went and I had the perfect recipe I wanted to try.
The recipe is actually from the May 2012 issue of Bon Appetit. A little backstory...back in the earlier days of my pregnancy I couldn't stand the sight or smell of most foods. That sort of put a major dent in reading all of my culinary-related magazine subscriptions. So, I am a little behind...obviously, still stuck in May. Anyway, this recipe intrigued me because it just looked so tasty. Not sure that I agree with the creator's commentary about it being healthier than regular pound cake...but I suppose it is...a tiny bit.
The result? The cake is yummy. It's even better when topped with fresh, sliced strawberries. I did make a few alterations (because you know I can't help myself), but you could follow the recipe as is. This would also be yummy if made with orange zest or even lime zest. It actually seems like the possibilities are endless. Plus, it's easy! Go ahead, save that money you would've spent at Starbucks on their cakes, and make your own! Bon Appetit!
French Yogurt Cake
from: Bon Appetit, May 2012
Preheat oven to 350°. Coat pan with vegetable oil spray. Dust with flour; tap out excess.
Whisk 1 1/2 cups flour, baking powder, and kosher salt in a medium bowl.
Using your fingers, rub sugar with lemon zest in a large bowl until sugar is moist. Add yogurt, oil, eggs, and vanilla extract; whisk to blend. Fold in dry ingredients just to blend.
Pour batter into prepared pan; smooth top. Bake until top of cake is golden brown and a tester inserted into center comes out clean, 50–55 minutes.
Let cake cool in pan on a wire rack for 15 minutes. Invert onto rack; let cool completely.
DO AHEAD: Can be made 3 days ahead. Store airtight at room temperature.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Labor and Delivery 101
As you may or may not know, as first-time parents you are advised to take a "baby class." The purpose of the class is to prepare you for the arrival of your sweet little baby. You learn about labor and breathing techniques, they teach you about the actual delivery and pain medication and they even touch a little on breastfeeding. Of course this is a good idea.
So off the husband and I our first baby class...excited and curious as to what it would be like. Well, let's just say this, it was...interesting. Our instructor was nice enough (although also slightly "off" if you know what I mean...I am guessing that is a job requirement as you spend most of your time talking about placentas, vaginas, etc) and so was everyone else in the class. We learned about the different stages of labor and even saw a brief video about delivery... it wasn't that bad...I have seen way worse on "The Baby Story" on TLC.
We spent most of the time learning about comfort measures during labor. Included in that was a fun (well, at least for some people there) game. We were split into 2 groups, moms and dads, and then presented with the challenge of providing a comfort measure for each letter of the alphabet. The women were taking this game pretty seriously...throwing out words like "doting" and "loving" and "caressing." I swear, I couldn't think of one word, until we were down to the letters "j, x and z." Proud of myself, I shouted out "What about jokes for j?" It was like I had just told them their favorite dog had died...shock and total silence. Nope, the ladies didn't like that one...I guess I understand, but really? If you can't have a good laugh during all of that, then you really need to lighten up. After listening to the men, I wished I could've been on their team...they might've actually been having fun...I mean, I heard one guy yell out "oragami" for "o." How awesome is that!?
After the big game, we settled into learning some breathing techniques. I guess this helpful, but it seemed a lot like yogic breathing to me. Luckily, I have spent a lot of time doing that, so the breathing part should be's just remembering to do it that will be the hard part.
That was it for round one...we have two more classes to go. I am looking forward to learning more and seeing what other fun games we get to play.
So off the husband and I our first baby class...excited and curious as to what it would be like. Well, let's just say this, it was...interesting. Our instructor was nice enough (although also slightly "off" if you know what I mean...I am guessing that is a job requirement as you spend most of your time talking about placentas, vaginas, etc) and so was everyone else in the class. We learned about the different stages of labor and even saw a brief video about delivery... it wasn't that bad...I have seen way worse on "The Baby Story" on TLC.
We spent most of the time learning about comfort measures during labor. Included in that was a fun (well, at least for some people there) game. We were split into 2 groups, moms and dads, and then presented with the challenge of providing a comfort measure for each letter of the alphabet. The women were taking this game pretty seriously...throwing out words like "doting" and "loving" and "caressing." I swear, I couldn't think of one word, until we were down to the letters "j, x and z." Proud of myself, I shouted out "What about jokes for j?" It was like I had just told them their favorite dog had died...shock and total silence. Nope, the ladies didn't like that one...I guess I understand, but really? If you can't have a good laugh during all of that, then you really need to lighten up. After listening to the men, I wished I could've been on their team...they might've actually been having fun...I mean, I heard one guy yell out "oragami" for "o." How awesome is that!?
After the big game, we settled into learning some breathing techniques. I guess this helpful, but it seemed a lot like yogic breathing to me. Luckily, I have spent a lot of time doing that, so the breathing part should be's just remembering to do it that will be the hard part.
That was it for round one...we have two more classes to go. I am looking forward to learning more and seeing what other fun games we get to play.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Baby Shower Fun
A couple of weekends ago I went to a baby baby shower. It seemed so surreal that I was the pregnant one and that I was the one who was getting showered. I had been swearing off baby showers for quite some time now, the thought of even going to one used to make me cry. And here I was, finally able to celebrate and it was magnificant.
Fortunately I have amazing family and friends and that is what made this shower so special. The weekend started with my wonderful mother picking me up and driving me everywhere. This was such a blessing to me as it has become more and more difficult to move around, let alone drive. (Thanks Mom!) On top of that, we were able to have some great conversation and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Next, it was off to the shower. My dear friend (the one I have had since the second grade!) was throwing me the shower and she did an amazing job. As soon as I walked in I was greeted with crepe paper, balloons, and signs all in honor of our little bump. I even got to wear a special sash that read "Mom to Be." My friend told me that I didn't have to wear it, but I had no problem putting it on and thought to myself, "I want to wear this thing EVERYWHERE!" :) Not only was her home festively decorated, but she also prepared some amazingly delicious food. (The cupcakes were amazing!!! The icing was twice as big as the cake!)
Most of my immediate family was there and we had a great time plaing games, chatting and laughing. I felt so loved and honored to be there. I have discovered that nothing brings people together more than a baby. Not only that, but it makes people softer...they glance at your belly or put a hand on your belly, and they just soften. I love that.
I had a great time that day and got so many amazing gifts (thank you to all, even those of you that couldn't be there!), but the biggest present was just being able to share the special gift of our baby with everyone.
Fortunately I have amazing family and friends and that is what made this shower so special. The weekend started with my wonderful mother picking me up and driving me everywhere. This was such a blessing to me as it has become more and more difficult to move around, let alone drive. (Thanks Mom!) On top of that, we were able to have some great conversation and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Next, it was off to the shower. My dear friend (the one I have had since the second grade!) was throwing me the shower and she did an amazing job. As soon as I walked in I was greeted with crepe paper, balloons, and signs all in honor of our little bump. I even got to wear a special sash that read "Mom to Be." My friend told me that I didn't have to wear it, but I had no problem putting it on and thought to myself, "I want to wear this thing EVERYWHERE!" :) Not only was her home festively decorated, but she also prepared some amazingly delicious food. (The cupcakes were amazing!!! The icing was twice as big as the cake!)
Most of my immediate family was there and we had a great time plaing games, chatting and laughing. I felt so loved and honored to be there. I have discovered that nothing brings people together more than a baby. Not only that, but it makes people softer...they glance at your belly or put a hand on your belly, and they just soften. I love that.
I had a great time that day and got so many amazing gifts (thank you to all, even those of you that couldn't be there!), but the biggest present was just being able to share the special gift of our baby with everyone.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Haven't Met You Yet
For those of you that don't know me, I am a HUGE Michael Buble fan. There's something just so wonderful about his voice. I happen to have his most recent CD in my car, which is great because I really needed some nice, soothing music to listen to on a recent drive home.
I pushed play on the cd player and instantly smiled...I sang along with Michael song after song. Then, the track "Haven't Met You Yet" came on. This song is one that he actually wrote for his girlfriend, but for some reason, the words seemed so apropros for my journey with infertility, our pregnancy, and the anticipation of meeting our little one.
Here are the lyrics:
I'm not surprised, not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times, I stopped keeping track
Talk myself in, I talk myself out
I get all worked up, then I let myself down
I tried so very hard not to lose it
I came up with a million excuses
I thought, I thought of every possibility
And I know someday that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, that I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
I might have to wait, I'll never give up
I guess it's half timing, and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come out of nowhere and into my life
And I know that we can be so amazing
And, baby, your love is gonna change me
And now I can see every possibility
And somehow I know that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
They say all's fair
In love and war
But I won't need to fight it
We'll get it right and we'll be united
And I know that we can be so amazing
And being in your life is gonna change me
And now I can see every single possibility
And someday I know it'll all turn out
And I'll work to work it out
Promise you, kid, I'll give more than I get
Than I get, than I get, than I get
Oh, you know it'll all turn out
And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And I promise you kid to give so much more than I get
Yeah, I just haven't met you yet
I just haven't met you yet
Oh, promise you, kid
To give so much more than I get
I said love, love, love, love
Love, love, love, love (I just haven't met you yet)
Love, love, love, loveLove, love
I just haven't met you yet
I started to cry in the car (yes, I know that's not a good idea, but at least I was stuck in traffic and not moving) when I heard those lyrics. The words just seemed to ring so true. After all of our heartache and pain, we finally have our little one...we just haven't met her yet!!!
I pushed play on the cd player and instantly smiled...I sang along with Michael song after song. Then, the track "Haven't Met You Yet" came on. This song is one that he actually wrote for his girlfriend, but for some reason, the words seemed so apropros for my journey with infertility, our pregnancy, and the anticipation of meeting our little one.
Here are the lyrics:
I'm not surprised, not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times, I stopped keeping track
Talk myself in, I talk myself out
I get all worked up, then I let myself down
I tried so very hard not to lose it
I came up with a million excuses
I thought, I thought of every possibility
And I know someday that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, that I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
I might have to wait, I'll never give up
I guess it's half timing, and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come out of nowhere and into my life
And I know that we can be so amazing
And, baby, your love is gonna change me
And now I can see every possibility
And somehow I know that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
They say all's fair
In love and war
But I won't need to fight it
We'll get it right and we'll be united
And I know that we can be so amazing
And being in your life is gonna change me
And now I can see every single possibility
And someday I know it'll all turn out
And I'll work to work it out
Promise you, kid, I'll give more than I get
Than I get, than I get, than I get
Oh, you know it'll all turn out
And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And I promise you kid to give so much more than I get
Yeah, I just haven't met you yet
I just haven't met you yet
Oh, promise you, kid
To give so much more than I get
I said love, love, love, love
Love, love, love, love (I just haven't met you yet)
Love, love, love, loveLove, love
I just haven't met you yet
I started to cry in the car (yes, I know that's not a good idea, but at least I was stuck in traffic and not moving) when I heard those lyrics. The words just seemed to ring so true. After all of our heartache and pain, we finally have our little one...we just haven't met her yet!!!
Friday, July 20, 2012
It's kind of a funny thing...pregnancy
In the recent past few months I have had some interesting pregnancy moments. Every day, especially now that I am showing...I mean REALLY showing, something new/interesting/funny/offensive happens to me. As I am apparently in the business of sharing my pregnancy experience with you, I feel it is appropriate to let you in on the wonders of being pregnant.
First off, being pregnant opens the door for any and every conversation...whether or not you would like to have it. A couple of days ago, I was invited into a conversation while waiting in line for the bathroom. The conversations usually all go the same way...."Oh, how far along are you?" then "Do you know what you're having?" then "Is this your first?" Then it usually leads into some story about their personal experience with pregnancy. I find it quite hilarious and yet, kind of fun (at least most of the time). Pregnancy is kind of the great denomiator and most women love to talk about it.
Second, people will feel free to tell you what they think of you being pregnant. Case in point, I walked into a book store and was just looking around when all of the sudden the lady behind the counter yells out, "Woah, you are soooo big!" Awesome, thanks lady. Usually there is a lot of staring at the belly and comments/guesses about how far along I it's some kind of game show...guess how far along the pregnant lady is and win a million dollars! Probably my most favorite comment came from a friend's husband. He hadn't seen me in awhile and said, "You look, very small and...tight." Followed by, "I'm sorry, I don't really know what I am supposed to say." Hilarious!
Other than experiences with people, there are other interesting things that happen. For instance, yesterday when I was washing my hands at work, I realized that I had to lean over more than normal to reach the soap...which also meant leaning against the counter and acquiring a huge water stain across my belly. No way to hide that. So I proudly took my wet belly back to work. Also, I have learned that my actual stomach has shrunk to the size of a golf ball. I get full so fast that it seems hard to believe. I have become the master of snacking and pack away goodies in bags and purses like a squirrel. Finally, I've been getting signals from my little one now when she isn't happy...or at least that is what I assume. For example, if I somehow end up a little too far on my side while sleeping, I'll feel my little one start to squirm and I swear, pound on me. I can tell already there's a big personality in there.
So there they are, my most recent experiences with pregnancy. I wonder what the next few months will hold.
First off, being pregnant opens the door for any and every conversation...whether or not you would like to have it. A couple of days ago, I was invited into a conversation while waiting in line for the bathroom. The conversations usually all go the same way...."Oh, how far along are you?" then "Do you know what you're having?" then "Is this your first?" Then it usually leads into some story about their personal experience with pregnancy. I find it quite hilarious and yet, kind of fun (at least most of the time). Pregnancy is kind of the great denomiator and most women love to talk about it.
Second, people will feel free to tell you what they think of you being pregnant. Case in point, I walked into a book store and was just looking around when all of the sudden the lady behind the counter yells out, "Woah, you are soooo big!" Awesome, thanks lady. Usually there is a lot of staring at the belly and comments/guesses about how far along I it's some kind of game show...guess how far along the pregnant lady is and win a million dollars! Probably my most favorite comment came from a friend's husband. He hadn't seen me in awhile and said, "You look, very small and...tight." Followed by, "I'm sorry, I don't really know what I am supposed to say." Hilarious!
Other than experiences with people, there are other interesting things that happen. For instance, yesterday when I was washing my hands at work, I realized that I had to lean over more than normal to reach the soap...which also meant leaning against the counter and acquiring a huge water stain across my belly. No way to hide that. So I proudly took my wet belly back to work. Also, I have learned that my actual stomach has shrunk to the size of a golf ball. I get full so fast that it seems hard to believe. I have become the master of snacking and pack away goodies in bags and purses like a squirrel. Finally, I've been getting signals from my little one now when she isn't happy...or at least that is what I assume. For example, if I somehow end up a little too far on my side while sleeping, I'll feel my little one start to squirm and I swear, pound on me. I can tell already there's a big personality in there.
So there they are, my most recent experiences with pregnancy. I wonder what the next few months will hold.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
A Great Cup of Joe...Heritage Chicago
I love, love, love coffee. It is probably one of my most favorite things. When I started on my infertility journey, I gave it least initially. After some research and with the reassurance of both my infertility doctor and my OB, I occasionally have a cup of decaf (although 1 cup of regular coffee a day they said is ok too) here and there...making it more of treat rather than as a regular part of my morning routine like it used to be.
Now when I drink coffee, I make sure it is a worthwhile experience. I opt for a good, well-made latte and I see it as a win-win. I get my coffee and also some calcium...and it makes me happy.
But, on to the point of the post. In Chicago, there are some great places for coffee...local places. One such place that just opened recently is Heritage Chicago. YOU MUST GO HERE! Really, if you like coffee and/or bikes (yes, I said bikes!), this place should be your mecca. The baristas take the time to make a delicious cup of coffee every time and they serve Stumptown Coffee. Never heard of it? It is an amazing coffee company based in Portland, Oregon (one of my favorite places!) and their coffee is fantastic.
Not only does this place serve great coffee, but they are also a bike shop. How fun is that? As a former avid cyclist, I can totally appreciate this concept. It is the perfect place to stop for a tune-up, a coffee drink and a local pastry.
Heritage, you have my's to many more lattes!!!
Check them out at:
Now when I drink coffee, I make sure it is a worthwhile experience. I opt for a good, well-made latte and I see it as a win-win. I get my coffee and also some calcium...and it makes me happy.
But, on to the point of the post. In Chicago, there are some great places for coffee...local places. One such place that just opened recently is Heritage Chicago. YOU MUST GO HERE! Really, if you like coffee and/or bikes (yes, I said bikes!), this place should be your mecca. The baristas take the time to make a delicious cup of coffee every time and they serve Stumptown Coffee. Never heard of it? It is an amazing coffee company based in Portland, Oregon (one of my favorite places!) and their coffee is fantastic.
Not only does this place serve great coffee, but they are also a bike shop. How fun is that? As a former avid cyclist, I can totally appreciate this concept. It is the perfect place to stop for a tune-up, a coffee drink and a local pastry.
Heritage, you have my's to many more lattes!!!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Life is a Journey
It seems hard to believe that my little one will be entering the world pretty soon. Not even a year ago I was still on my infertility journey. Making weekly trips to the doctor followed by disappointment after disappointment. To say that it was rough would be an understatement.
I have been so consumed with the pregnancy and getting ready for our bundle of joy, that I have pushed those memories to the back of my brain. But something stirred them up, and I am glad that it did. The other day when I was in church, I was sitting there, enjoying the peace, the quiet and the air conditioning and I started to day dream a little. I was remembering the past couple of years and the struggle and then all of a sudden a sense of peace and happiness spilled over me. It kind of took me by surprise actually...a sort feeling like being tucked in by a warm blanket...and as I rubbed my belly, I realized just how lucky I truly am...I finally had been blessed with a baby and I felt so grateful.
It's easy to get caught up in the rigamarole of daily life. Little things happen that seem so important at the time. I don't ever want to forget the journey that took place to get me here. It's a part of who I am and it's a story that makes the existence of our little gift so precious.
So, let's not forget our journey' matter how painful, as they shape who we are and what we become. Not only that, but they make us grateful for how lucky we truly are.
I have been so consumed with the pregnancy and getting ready for our bundle of joy, that I have pushed those memories to the back of my brain. But something stirred them up, and I am glad that it did. The other day when I was in church, I was sitting there, enjoying the peace, the quiet and the air conditioning and I started to day dream a little. I was remembering the past couple of years and the struggle and then all of a sudden a sense of peace and happiness spilled over me. It kind of took me by surprise actually...a sort feeling like being tucked in by a warm blanket...and as I rubbed my belly, I realized just how lucky I truly am...I finally had been blessed with a baby and I felt so grateful.
It's easy to get caught up in the rigamarole of daily life. Little things happen that seem so important at the time. I don't ever want to forget the journey that took place to get me here. It's a part of who I am and it's a story that makes the existence of our little gift so precious.
So, let's not forget our journey' matter how painful, as they shape who we are and what we become. Not only that, but they make us grateful for how lucky we truly are.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Sights and sounds of Chi-town
Because I live in a big city, I find that there are always entertaining things happening around me. I figure that since I find these things to be so interesting, other people might as well. So here it goes, my recent run-in's with the people of Chicago....
1) Something you don't see everyday that I saw yesterday: a woman walking down the bike lane of a main street in Chicago wearing a dress and carrying a rolling pin.
2) Being approached by a young man asking me where he can buy Swisher cigars/cigarettes. My response, "um, have you tried the Jewel or Walgreens?" Then he asks me if I response "No man, I am pregnant!!!" (FYI- I look super pregnant these days, there's no question about it.")
3) A scattering of miniature marshmallows along the sidewalk...for two city blocks!
4) A woman walking towards me, pointing to my belly and saying "What a big boy!" Um, ok.
5) I was downtown, outside of an office building and saw a gentleman wearing running clothes and stretching...not too out the ordinary...except that he had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. Sure enough, when he was done enjoying his smoking stretch, he took off for a jog. Hmmm...
Ahhhh Chicago, what's not to love?
1) Something you don't see everyday that I saw yesterday: a woman walking down the bike lane of a main street in Chicago wearing a dress and carrying a rolling pin.
2) Being approached by a young man asking me where he can buy Swisher cigars/cigarettes. My response, "um, have you tried the Jewel or Walgreens?" Then he asks me if I response "No man, I am pregnant!!!" (FYI- I look super pregnant these days, there's no question about it.")
3) A scattering of miniature marshmallows along the sidewalk...for two city blocks!
4) A woman walking towards me, pointing to my belly and saying "What a big boy!" Um, ok.
5) I was downtown, outside of an office building and saw a gentleman wearing running clothes and stretching...not too out the ordinary...except that he had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. Sure enough, when he was done enjoying his smoking stretch, he took off for a jog. Hmmm...
Ahhhh Chicago, what's not to love?
Thursday, June 28, 2012
A Lovely Wedding
I had the honor last weekend of being part of a very special event. That special event was the marriage of my brother and my new sister-in-law. :)
It all started with a leisurely drive to the wedding location, which included a surprising, yet much needed soft pretzel stop (thank you husband!). From there it was off to lunch, then the hair salon, then an hour-long dance/play session with my niece...then, the big event.
I don't know who they know upstairs, but in the middle of this scorching hot summer, my brother and his wife-to-be, got the most beautiful evening possible for their wedding. It was a lovely ceremony and I played a minor role in saying a small little reading about the two of them. It went well, however now I know that I shouldn't use sticky post-it paper for writing speeches! Nothing like a dramatic pause between every page turn!
It was a fun time and let me say this, those two know how to throw a party! Lots of laughing and dancing and good times.
I have never seen my brother so happy and I am so excited to have a new sister-in-law (and niece!). We should all be so fortunate to find our soul mates...I know I am glad that I found mine!!!
Much love to you newlyweds! Cheers to years of love and happiness.
It all started with a leisurely drive to the wedding location, which included a surprising, yet much needed soft pretzel stop (thank you husband!). From there it was off to lunch, then the hair salon, then an hour-long dance/play session with my niece...then, the big event.
I don't know who they know upstairs, but in the middle of this scorching hot summer, my brother and his wife-to-be, got the most beautiful evening possible for their wedding. It was a lovely ceremony and I played a minor role in saying a small little reading about the two of them. It went well, however now I know that I shouldn't use sticky post-it paper for writing speeches! Nothing like a dramatic pause between every page turn!
It was a fun time and let me say this, those two know how to throw a party! Lots of laughing and dancing and good times.
I have never seen my brother so happy and I am so excited to have a new sister-in-law (and niece!). We should all be so fortunate to find our soul mates...I know I am glad that I found mine!!!
Much love to you newlyweds! Cheers to years of love and happiness.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Piano Man
As I was cleaning up around our place, I noticed that a few things had piled up on the piano. Instead of treating it like the beautiful musical instrument that it is, we were using it as a landing pad for random things like slippers, keys, magazine, etc. Noticing this, I was a little embarassed and also it got me thinking...I hadn't heard my husband play in awhile.
So, selfishly I thought that if I cleaned it off, then maybe he would sit down and play. Ironically, that same night, after work and dinner, he noticed the bench was clear and the music was out. He sat down and started to play and I, being the emotional pregnant wreck that I am these days, started to get tears in my eyes.
You see, he is good...really good, and he can hear music and put music together like no one I know. It's beautiful to watch and listen to him play. I am guessing our little one was impressed too because as soon as she heard the piano, I felt her dancing. She seemed to be happy by what her daddy was doing. In that moment, I had visions of our little one sitting next to her Daddy, legs swinging on the bench, learning how to play...and I loved it.
We have so much to look forward too. I am so grateful for my husband's talents and hope that our little girl will be given the gift of music too.
So, selfishly I thought that if I cleaned it off, then maybe he would sit down and play. Ironically, that same night, after work and dinner, he noticed the bench was clear and the music was out. He sat down and started to play and I, being the emotional pregnant wreck that I am these days, started to get tears in my eyes.
You see, he is good...really good, and he can hear music and put music together like no one I know. It's beautiful to watch and listen to him play. I am guessing our little one was impressed too because as soon as she heard the piano, I felt her dancing. She seemed to be happy by what her daddy was doing. In that moment, I had visions of our little one sitting next to her Daddy, legs swinging on the bench, learning how to play...and I loved it.
We have so much to look forward too. I am so grateful for my husband's talents and hope that our little girl will be given the gift of music too.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Thank you for the seat
As part of life in the big city, I take the train to work everyday. For some of you, this sounds really cool, even fun (the husband is definitely one of those people). I am not going to knock public transportation (at least not in this post). In fact, it's quite awesome to not have to get in a car and try to drive in this crazy city. The only thing that has made communting this way difficult these days is the large basketball I am carrying on the front of my torso...I mean, my beautiful baby bump! :)
Many pregnant women have gone before me in this train adventure. I can picture them now, struggling to find a post to hang-on while the young guy in the suit is sitting and reading his Wall Street Journal. Whatever happened to chivalry? If I was sitting, I would always be sure to offer my seat to one of these lucky ladies...I mean, it's hard enough to hang on when you're not pregnant.
So, I am now the pregnant lady on the train. Every day is a test of the kindness of strangers. Will someone be kind enough to let me rest on the train? Do they know how unsteady I am these days with my belly protruding outward at full salute? Do they know how hard it is to just be comfortable? Or how bad it feels to get smashed against other train-goers, trying to protect my child from getting elbowed? Riding the train is no easy task.
Ironically, I have noticed a trend in the kind souls who offer up their seat to me. Who are they? Well, they are ALWAYS women! Yes, it doesn't even matter the age. I have had teenage girls offer up their seats, middle-aged women and even older women. It is amazing and I am always so appreciative and grateful to them. So ladies, even though it's annoying to have to get up from your seat, I want you to know, that on behalf of all of us pregnant ladies out there, we think the world of you!!! A safe and painless ride to work is worth more than you'll ever know.
So, my question is...what about you men out there? Maybe you should put down your papers, put away your I-Phones and look around every one in awhile to see if anyone else may need a seat. I haven't lost complete faith in the male species in this respect, but you can be sure I'm still keeping track. So far, are leading the pack...congratulations!
Many pregnant women have gone before me in this train adventure. I can picture them now, struggling to find a post to hang-on while the young guy in the suit is sitting and reading his Wall Street Journal. Whatever happened to chivalry? If I was sitting, I would always be sure to offer my seat to one of these lucky ladies...I mean, it's hard enough to hang on when you're not pregnant.
So, I am now the pregnant lady on the train. Every day is a test of the kindness of strangers. Will someone be kind enough to let me rest on the train? Do they know how unsteady I am these days with my belly protruding outward at full salute? Do they know how hard it is to just be comfortable? Or how bad it feels to get smashed against other train-goers, trying to protect my child from getting elbowed? Riding the train is no easy task.
Ironically, I have noticed a trend in the kind souls who offer up their seat to me. Who are they? Well, they are ALWAYS women! Yes, it doesn't even matter the age. I have had teenage girls offer up their seats, middle-aged women and even older women. It is amazing and I am always so appreciative and grateful to them. So ladies, even though it's annoying to have to get up from your seat, I want you to know, that on behalf of all of us pregnant ladies out there, we think the world of you!!! A safe and painless ride to work is worth more than you'll ever know.
So, my question is...what about you men out there? Maybe you should put down your papers, put away your I-Phones and look around every one in awhile to see if anyone else may need a seat. I haven't lost complete faith in the male species in this respect, but you can be sure I'm still keeping track. So far, are leading the pack...congratulations!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Organic fruits and vegetables...are they worth the extra $$?
As a dietitian and chef, I get this question all of the time. I usually answer it the same way. If you, can, than yes, you should absolutely buy some foods organic. Why? Some foods readily absorb the pesticides and sprays used to keep them alive and help them grow. Those pesticides aren't necessarily the best for our health...causing cancer and other diseases. So what should you buy organic? There's actually a list called the Dirty Dozen and here it is...the foods you should buy organic:
The Dirty Dozen:
Grapes (Imported)
Sweet Bell Peppers
Kale/Collard Greens
If some are good to buy organic, why not all? Well, studies have shown that there are some fruits/veggies that aren't as likely to harbor pesticides as others. For those, there really is no sense in spending extra money...spend that money on something else!
The Clean Fifteen:
Sweet Onions
Sweet Corn
Sweet peas
Sweet Potatoes
Now it's time to get yourself to the grocery store!
The Dirty Dozen:
Grapes (Imported)
Sweet Bell Peppers
Kale/Collard Greens
If some are good to buy organic, why not all? Well, studies have shown that there are some fruits/veggies that aren't as likely to harbor pesticides as others. For those, there really is no sense in spending extra money...spend that money on something else!
The Clean Fifteen:
Sweet Onions
Sweet Corn
Sweet peas
Sweet Potatoes
Now it's time to get yourself to the grocery store!
Friday, May 25, 2012
A Mover and a Shaker
Pregnancy is something else. My body is not my own and I am learning that very quickly these days. As some of you know, I am a pretty active person. I have spent most of my life playing sports, running, hiking and just enjoying the overall adrenaline rush that being active provides. With my pregnancy, I have put all of that on the back-burner. No more running, just nice easy strolls. No more sports, unless it's to be the ball girl for the husband as he practices hoops. And that's ok...just different and weird.
Another thing that's different is that I am finding it harder and harder to tie my shoes! No one ever talks about that in the pregnancy books. Bending over doesn't feel right and I am wondering why I have so many shoes that require laces. My slip-on shoes are winning as my most favorite shoe wear these days.
Something else that's crazy? My sleep. So it seems that, besides this growing belly, other parts of my body are flexing and softening to prepare and make more room for my little one. One of those parts is my hips...making sleeping on my side (per the recommendation these days) quite difficult. Have no fear! After much research, I found a solution...a body pillow! Yup, I invested in something called the Mini Snoogle (made in the USA!) and it has the potential to grant me the sleep I have so desperately been desiring. Last night was the first trial and it was a success...good work Snoogle!
The most amazing thing going on right now with my pregnancy is that I can feel my little one move. At first, it was just little waves of feeling...barely noticible. Now, my little one's actions can be seen and felt from the outside. It is awesome to finally be able to place the husband's hand on my belly so that he can feel our little one move. I honestly never tire of the fact our little one is so active, I wonder if there's a little jungle gym that has been built in there. :) It's an amazing sensation and I love it.
It has been a fun ride so far and am excited to see what's around the next corner. Keep on movin' little must be in the genes! :)
Another thing that's different is that I am finding it harder and harder to tie my shoes! No one ever talks about that in the pregnancy books. Bending over doesn't feel right and I am wondering why I have so many shoes that require laces. My slip-on shoes are winning as my most favorite shoe wear these days.
Something else that's crazy? My sleep. So it seems that, besides this growing belly, other parts of my body are flexing and softening to prepare and make more room for my little one. One of those parts is my hips...making sleeping on my side (per the recommendation these days) quite difficult. Have no fear! After much research, I found a solution...a body pillow! Yup, I invested in something called the Mini Snoogle (made in the USA!) and it has the potential to grant me the sleep I have so desperately been desiring. Last night was the first trial and it was a success...good work Snoogle!
The most amazing thing going on right now with my pregnancy is that I can feel my little one move. At first, it was just little waves of feeling...barely noticible. Now, my little one's actions can be seen and felt from the outside. It is awesome to finally be able to place the husband's hand on my belly so that he can feel our little one move. I honestly never tire of the fact our little one is so active, I wonder if there's a little jungle gym that has been built in there. :) It's an amazing sensation and I love it.
It has been a fun ride so far and am excited to see what's around the next corner. Keep on movin' little must be in the genes! :)
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Um, hi, it's me...are you still there???
Well hello to my little group of followers...yes, I am still here...just busy. Seriously, I am! We've had a lot of stuff going on here and I have finally found a minute to sit down and blog a little something.
First of all, happy belated Mother's Day to all of you mother's, mother's-to-be and those attempting to become mother's. What a magnificant day for us to appreciate everything our mom's do for us. It's no small job and I, for one, am extremely grateful for my beautiful, loving, compassionate, hilarious, fun-loving mom!!!
On another note...this was my first Mother's Day as a mother! To say that I was excited about this was an under-statement. I can remember the last couple of years being a little sad because I wanted to be a mom so much. This year, I soaked it all in...I cried in church when they blessed the mom's and I cried when my loving husband surprised me with flowers, chocolate, lemonade (my pregnancy craving) and a sweet card. It was a meaningful and wonderful day.
Ironically, every day kind of feels like Mother's Day these days. My little bump is a constant reminder of how lucky I am!!!
First of all, happy belated Mother's Day to all of you mother's, mother's-to-be and those attempting to become mother's. What a magnificant day for us to appreciate everything our mom's do for us. It's no small job and I, for one, am extremely grateful for my beautiful, loving, compassionate, hilarious, fun-loving mom!!!
On another note...this was my first Mother's Day as a mother! To say that I was excited about this was an under-statement. I can remember the last couple of years being a little sad because I wanted to be a mom so much. This year, I soaked it all in...I cried in church when they blessed the mom's and I cried when my loving husband surprised me with flowers, chocolate, lemonade (my pregnancy craving) and a sweet card. It was a meaningful and wonderful day.
Ironically, every day kind of feels like Mother's Day these days. My little bump is a constant reminder of how lucky I am!!!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Happy Anniversary to Preheating the Oven Chicago
Was it only a year ago that I started this blog? Indeed it was...April 16th marks the one year anniversary of my favorite blog and yours...Preheating the Oven Chicago. Ok, so maybe it isn't quite your favorite blog, but maybe you've at least had a little bit of fun reading it.
So much can happen in a year. Such a statement has never been so true in my life. I started this blog as someone struggling with infertility. I was frustrated over years of trying to conceive and I needed an outlet. Not only that, but I wanted other women to know that they weren't alone. This blog has been an amazing way to connect with people and I am hopeful that I can continue to do so.
This year also marks the amazing miracle of our little baby. Never have I been more grateful in my life than for this ultimate gift. Every doctor's visit I am in awe and my eyes fill with tears when I hear that strong little heart beat. I live my life for that little miracle now.
This year I have also gained some new insight on life. I have learned to relax more and enjoy my life. I have tried to let go of the stress and worry and replace it with things that make me happy. I have come to the conclusion that I cannot make everyone happy all of the time even if I want to. I am a better, more well-adjusted person because of all of things I have experienced this past year.
With that being said, it only seems right to toast this special day. (Is it weird to toast yourself? Probably, but I'm going to do it anyway.) So everyone, raise your glass of water....Here's to the one year anniversary of Preheating the Oven Chicago! And here's to many more blogs filled with recipes, health tips, cooking tips, baby info and of course, random thoughts by yours truly!!!
So much can happen in a year. Such a statement has never been so true in my life. I started this blog as someone struggling with infertility. I was frustrated over years of trying to conceive and I needed an outlet. Not only that, but I wanted other women to know that they weren't alone. This blog has been an amazing way to connect with people and I am hopeful that I can continue to do so.
This year also marks the amazing miracle of our little baby. Never have I been more grateful in my life than for this ultimate gift. Every doctor's visit I am in awe and my eyes fill with tears when I hear that strong little heart beat. I live my life for that little miracle now.
This year I have also gained some new insight on life. I have learned to relax more and enjoy my life. I have tried to let go of the stress and worry and replace it with things that make me happy. I have come to the conclusion that I cannot make everyone happy all of the time even if I want to. I am a better, more well-adjusted person because of all of things I have experienced this past year.
With that being said, it only seems right to toast this special day. (Is it weird to toast yourself? Probably, but I'm going to do it anyway.) So everyone, raise your glass of water....Here's to the one year anniversary of Preheating the Oven Chicago! And here's to many more blogs filled with recipes, health tips, cooking tips, baby info and of course, random thoughts by yours truly!!!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Dreaming of Cinnamon Rolls
It was all I could think of for two weeks...cinnamon rolls! The thought of the warm, sticky, cinnamony, yeasty goodness couldn't escape me. Oh sure, I thought about going to some local bakery to get one, but I stopped myself every time. I kept thinking, "Why should I go buy one when I can make them myself?" Hind sight is 20/20 here, but at the time, it seemed perfectly logical that I should make my own. Realistically, I probably would've enjoyed a local bakery's rendition just fine.
But I was craving a childhood memory. One of a pull-apart cinnamon roll from my mom's favorite haunt...MCL Cafeteria. Sure, it's a cafeteria, but boy, do they have good food. In particular their macaroni and cheese, their green beans, their yeast rolls and of course, their cinnamon roll. Oh my gosh. If I had the time and energy, I would've driven myself right down there to get one.
So, for the sake of time and energy (and sanity), I made it my mission to make my own. Ironically, the April 2012 issue of Bon Appetit happened to feature my craving right smack dab on the cover!
I mean, look at those things! How can you NOT want one?
So, I made them...well, not exactly like the ones in the picture. I wanted a simpler, less calorically destructive version. It was easy to do. I made the dough recipe as called for and then just added the cinnamon-suger filling (using only half the butter in the filling). None of the gooey stuff for me, but still very delicious!
For the recipe, see this link:
But I was craving a childhood memory. One of a pull-apart cinnamon roll from my mom's favorite haunt...MCL Cafeteria. Sure, it's a cafeteria, but boy, do they have good food. In particular their macaroni and cheese, their green beans, their yeast rolls and of course, their cinnamon roll. Oh my gosh. If I had the time and energy, I would've driven myself right down there to get one.
So, for the sake of time and energy (and sanity), I made it my mission to make my own. Ironically, the April 2012 issue of Bon Appetit happened to feature my craving right smack dab on the cover!
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Bon Appetit's Ultimate Sticky Buns (photo from |
So, I made them...well, not exactly like the ones in the picture. I wanted a simpler, less calorically destructive version. It was easy to do. I made the dough recipe as called for and then just added the cinnamon-suger filling (using only half the butter in the filling). None of the gooey stuff for me, but still very delicious!
For the recipe, see this link:
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The dough |
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Ready for rollin' |
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Yum...cinnamon and sugar...and BUTTER! |
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Not the best rolling job...oh well. |
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Cute...although slightly imperfect...let's call them "rustic" |
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Ready for the oven |
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Oh boy! |
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Ready for eating! |
Friday, March 30, 2012
Morning Sickness
When I first learned I was pregnant I was beyond excited. I was even more excited by the fact that I didn't feel sick at all. "Wow, I am so lucky," I thought. I have heard many horror stories and couldn't believe how fortunate I was.
Ironically, one of my first jobs as a dietitian was working in a high risk OB clinic. I can vividly remember this nice young woman and her husband coming in to see me one morning. She looked like death warmed over and he looked scared out of his mind. About 5 minutes into our conversation, the lady turned green and gave the universal signal (hand over mouth with eyes wide open) that she was going to be sick. My advice? "There's a sink! Puke in there!" Not the best idea, but the trash can just didn't seem logical at the time for some reason. Anyway, that day changed me forever...pregnancy is serious business.
The joke was on me though. Around week 6 I started to feel just like that lady in the OB clinic. Fortunately I never had to puke, but man I was I nauseated. Now, before I start with my (what may sound like) complaining, I want you to know that I am beyond grateful for my little one and know that I am so lucky. But here it is...morning sickness...which is a dumb name for it as mine was all day the opposite of a good time. If you have ever been sea sick or car sick, than you know what this type of nausea feels like. It's like you are on a boat holding on for dear life as the waves swell and crash into you. Sure, there are moments that you feel like yourself, but most of the time anything will set you off. I can remember the husband eating a very healthy snack of sunflower seeds and I had to leave the room. I couldn't even cook! Yes, that is why there was such a cooking gap in my blog. :) I had to rely on the husband and I ate a lot of macaroni and cheese and crackers.
I made it though and now at week 16, I am feeling much, much better and I am so so so happy about it. I missed enjoying food and now I am making up for it. :)
For those of you going through morning sickness, here are my recommendations for you:
1) Don't cook! Seriously, it just makes you feel worse. Instead, have someone else make or get you things you can tolerate. Trust me, it's worth it.
2) Potato chips and lemonade. This was amazing advice given to me by my very amazing boss. It sounds so wrong, but it totally works...try it.
3) Eat all day long. I know, that sounds so scary, but this also works. If you always have a little something in your belly, the nausea doesn't feel as strong. Bland foods are great. I personally ate my share of crackers, pretzels, bran flakes (I know, that one's a little weird), cheese and toast.
4) Give ginger a try. I found that ginger really seemed to help with the really strong bouts of nausea. Those ginger chews are a little wonder. Keep them stashed in your purse or in the desk at your office.
5) Tell people that you don't feel well. Otherwise, you will be worried what they will be thinking about you. I knew that I might need to "step out and get some fresh air" during work, but didn't want my boss to think I was trying to manage my twitter account or something. So, I told her the truth. I know this isn't always an option, but at least tell them you're not feeling explain your weird reactions to every smell in the office.
Good luck and hopefully you'll start feeling better soon!
Ironically, one of my first jobs as a dietitian was working in a high risk OB clinic. I can vividly remember this nice young woman and her husband coming in to see me one morning. She looked like death warmed over and he looked scared out of his mind. About 5 minutes into our conversation, the lady turned green and gave the universal signal (hand over mouth with eyes wide open) that she was going to be sick. My advice? "There's a sink! Puke in there!" Not the best idea, but the trash can just didn't seem logical at the time for some reason. Anyway, that day changed me forever...pregnancy is serious business.
The joke was on me though. Around week 6 I started to feel just like that lady in the OB clinic. Fortunately I never had to puke, but man I was I nauseated. Now, before I start with my (what may sound like) complaining, I want you to know that I am beyond grateful for my little one and know that I am so lucky. But here it is...morning sickness...which is a dumb name for it as mine was all day the opposite of a good time. If you have ever been sea sick or car sick, than you know what this type of nausea feels like. It's like you are on a boat holding on for dear life as the waves swell and crash into you. Sure, there are moments that you feel like yourself, but most of the time anything will set you off. I can remember the husband eating a very healthy snack of sunflower seeds and I had to leave the room. I couldn't even cook! Yes, that is why there was such a cooking gap in my blog. :) I had to rely on the husband and I ate a lot of macaroni and cheese and crackers.
I made it though and now at week 16, I am feeling much, much better and I am so so so happy about it. I missed enjoying food and now I am making up for it. :)
For those of you going through morning sickness, here are my recommendations for you:
1) Don't cook! Seriously, it just makes you feel worse. Instead, have someone else make or get you things you can tolerate. Trust me, it's worth it.
2) Potato chips and lemonade. This was amazing advice given to me by my very amazing boss. It sounds so wrong, but it totally works...try it.
3) Eat all day long. I know, that sounds so scary, but this also works. If you always have a little something in your belly, the nausea doesn't feel as strong. Bland foods are great. I personally ate my share of crackers, pretzels, bran flakes (I know, that one's a little weird), cheese and toast.
4) Give ginger a try. I found that ginger really seemed to help with the really strong bouts of nausea. Those ginger chews are a little wonder. Keep them stashed in your purse or in the desk at your office.
5) Tell people that you don't feel well. Otherwise, you will be worried what they will be thinking about you. I knew that I might need to "step out and get some fresh air" during work, but didn't want my boss to think I was trying to manage my twitter account or something. So, I told her the truth. I know this isn't always an option, but at least tell them you're not feeling explain your weird reactions to every smell in the office.
Good luck and hopefully you'll start feeling better soon!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Happy Birthday to my Father
Happy Birth Anniversary to my dad. Growing up my dad was my hero and buddy. I can remember early days of father/daughter bike rides, soccer practice (thanks by the way dad, for not letting me run too far down that field in the wrong direction), board games and just plain fun.
My dad has always been one of my biggest fans. He never missed a volleyball game or tennis match...even though I was never that great at either sport. He encouraged me to study hard and get good grades, but never was pushy or over-bearing about it. Even as a crazy teenager, he allowed me to be who I was and always supported my pursuits.
As I have gotten older, I have really come to appreciate this type of support and unconditional love. I had and still have a great father. Someone, who to this day, continues to teach me new things and encourages me to follow my heart and pursue my dreams.
Thank you dad for everything. Happy Birth Anniversary! :)
My dad has always been one of my biggest fans. He never missed a volleyball game or tennis match...even though I was never that great at either sport. He encouraged me to study hard and get good grades, but never was pushy or over-bearing about it. Even as a crazy teenager, he allowed me to be who I was and always supported my pursuits.
As I have gotten older, I have really come to appreciate this type of support and unconditional love. I had and still have a great father. Someone, who to this day, continues to teach me new things and encourages me to follow my heart and pursue my dreams.
Thank you dad for everything. Happy Birth Anniversary! :)
Friday, March 23, 2012
The Miracle
I have accepted that I am one of the millions of women that struggles with infertility. I will never forget my first visit to the reproductive endocrinologist and how I felt when I left. Never before had I felt so sad and completely destroyed by something. Sure, I have had hardships, but this one thing...the one thing I never thought would be a struggle, had become just that. Disappointment doesn't even begin to describe how I felt. I was determined though, that I would beat this thing. I prayed about it, I sought out the help I needed, and I wouldn't stop...perserverance. Has it been easy? Absolutely not. Would I change anything? Absolutely not. You see, this is the journey I was meant to take. Had I not gone through all of this, I might not have learned all of the amazing things I have learned about myself (my emotions, my strengths, my weaknesses, my health, etc), my husband or our relationship. I have been cultivating myself and training myself...making the relationship with myself and my relationship with my husband stronger.
The timing seems right then...
I am now 15+ weeks pregnant and I am beyond ecstatic to share the good news with you! Our little one is a true miracle...conceived without any medication or intervention...a true miracle and blessing. I have been beyond I am sure you can only imagine. Life has changed in the most positive way possible. Thank you to all of my family, friends and supporters...I could not have done this without all of you. For those of you still struggling with conceiving...I offer this advice...the journey is hard and difficult, so find things that make you happy and do them. Stay away from people that aren't supportive, instead surround yourself with supportive friends and family...and finally, don't give up hope...there is a plan for you. One of the most poignant things I remember reading in a book about infertility is that (no matter if you have faith or are faithless), you are not in are on someone else's time and it's not for you to try to change that. Children are meant to be born when they are meant to be here on this earth. So, while it's hard to wait, just think, your baby is destined for amazing things.
In closing, I wanted to confirm that I will continue to post on my blog...still focusing on nutrition, health, infertility and my journey during pregnancy. Hopefully you can stay and enjoy the ride with me!
The timing seems right then...
I am now 15+ weeks pregnant and I am beyond ecstatic to share the good news with you! Our little one is a true miracle...conceived without any medication or intervention...a true miracle and blessing. I have been beyond I am sure you can only imagine. Life has changed in the most positive way possible. Thank you to all of my family, friends and supporters...I could not have done this without all of you. For those of you still struggling with conceiving...I offer this advice...the journey is hard and difficult, so find things that make you happy and do them. Stay away from people that aren't supportive, instead surround yourself with supportive friends and family...and finally, don't give up hope...there is a plan for you. One of the most poignant things I remember reading in a book about infertility is that (no matter if you have faith or are faithless), you are not in are on someone else's time and it's not for you to try to change that. Children are meant to be born when they are meant to be here on this earth. So, while it's hard to wait, just think, your baby is destined for amazing things.
In closing, I wanted to confirm that I will continue to post on my blog...still focusing on nutrition, health, infertility and my journey during pregnancy. Hopefully you can stay and enjoy the ride with me!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Just What We Need
On my way up to the train platform this morning I noticed an advertisement. It was for McDonalds...nice, big and flashy. What were they advertising you ask? Glad you asked. On this brilliantly place advertisement they were advertising $1 ANY SIZE beverage.
Wow, thanks so much McDonald's. You know, 16 oz (which is a small) is just too would be so much better if it was just one dollar! What's better is that the caring people of McDonald's love us so much that they even made their medium size (21 oz) and their large size (32 oz) only a dollar as well. Oh, things are finally right with the world.
So, yes, I am full of sarcasm, but it really is actually quite a shame. I know it's not solely the responsibility of McDonald's to care about the health of our country, but they could at least think of a healthier promotion. I mean, heck, it's National Nutrition Month (I know you didn't know that, that's why I'm telling you now)...why not capitalize on that? Advertise free apple sticks with every meal or start making your milkshakes with low-fat milk...just some ideas.
I encourage you to forgo the temptation of purchasing an "any size" dollar beverage. Instead, go buy yourself a piece of fruit (for less money) and enjoy the natural goodness of Mother Nature!
Wow, thanks so much McDonald's. You know, 16 oz (which is a small) is just too would be so much better if it was just one dollar! What's better is that the caring people of McDonald's love us so much that they even made their medium size (21 oz) and their large size (32 oz) only a dollar as well. Oh, things are finally right with the world.
So, yes, I am full of sarcasm, but it really is actually quite a shame. I know it's not solely the responsibility of McDonald's to care about the health of our country, but they could at least think of a healthier promotion. I mean, heck, it's National Nutrition Month (I know you didn't know that, that's why I'm telling you now)...why not capitalize on that? Advertise free apple sticks with every meal or start making your milkshakes with low-fat milk...just some ideas.
I encourage you to forgo the temptation of purchasing an "any size" dollar beverage. Instead, go buy yourself a piece of fruit (for less money) and enjoy the natural goodness of Mother Nature!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Chocolate Cake...yes please.
I bet you've been wondering where all of cooking experiments have gone. I can hear you all now..."Did her kitchen burn down? Is she on some crazy diet? Did she forget her way around the kitchen?" Well, not exactly...let's just say life has gotten in the way a little bit of my culinary adventures. But have no fear, my kitchen still stands, I am not on a diet and of course I remember my way around the kitchen.
To celebrate my return, I will be making...drum roll please...ok, so the title gave it away...chocolate cake! One of my favorite things! What's the reason? Well, it's two-fold really. The first reason is because, as I just told you, it is one of my favorite things. The other reason is that my brother and his fiance are coming up tomorrow for a visit. I couldn't let them down!
So, there's some pressure riding on this cake recipe...let's keep our fingers crossed. It's a new one I found on the box of King Arthur Flour and it sounds pretty delicious.
Moist Chocolate Cake
King Arthur Flour
2 cups King Arthur Unbleached Cake Flour Blend
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 3/4 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, very soft
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup milk
1/2 cup brewed, cooled coffee, or water
4 large eggs
To celebrate my return, I will be making...drum roll please...ok, so the title gave it away...chocolate cake! One of my favorite things! What's the reason? Well, it's two-fold really. The first reason is because, as I just told you, it is one of my favorite things. The other reason is that my brother and his fiance are coming up tomorrow for a visit. I couldn't let them down!
So, there's some pressure riding on this cake recipe...let's keep our fingers crossed. It's a new one I found on the box of King Arthur Flour and it sounds pretty delicious.
Moist Chocolate Cake
King Arthur Flour
2 cups King Arthur Unbleached Cake Flour Blend
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 3/4 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, very soft
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup milk
1/2 cup brewed, cooled coffee, or water
4 large eggs
1) Place a strainer over a large mixing bowl. Measure in the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cocoa, and sugar. Sift/shake the dry ingredients through the strainer into a mixing bowl, to eliminate any lumps.
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Please don't skip this step! I promise your hard effort at sifting will be worth it. |
2) Add the butter and mix at low speed for 1 minute. With the mixer running, add the oil and continue mixing until the mixture looks like sand.
3) Combine the vanilla with the milk and coffee or water, and add all at once. Mix for 1 minute at low speed, stop and scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl, then mix for 30 seconds.
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Yum, looks like cake batter.... |
4) Add the eggs one at a time, beating well at medium-high speed between additions. (Personal note: be sure get the bottom stirred too if you are using a stand mixer.) The batter will be thin.
5) Pour the batter into the prepared pan of your choice (one 9" x 13" pan, two 9" round pans, or three 8" round pans). Bake in a preheated 350°F oven for 34 minutes for a 9" x 13" pan; 28 to 30 minutes for 9" layers; or 24 to 26 minutes for 8" layers. The cake is done when a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Remove from the oven and cool on a rack before frosting.
Check out more great recipes at
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Happy Birthday to you!
It is a very special day. Why? Well, because not just one, but TWO very special people in my life are celebrating their birth anniversaries today! My mom and my sister-in-law.
While I wish I was there to help my mom celebrate her big day, we have plans in the works for a make-up birthday party. One that will involve me making whatever cake she wants. I am looking forward to that as you all know I love a good birthday party.
Mom, my birthday wish for you is that your upcoming year is filled with joy, peace and fun! You deserve this time to enjoy life and live it to its fullest. You've given so much of yourself to your family and now it's your turn! Carpe diem! Do what you have always wanted to do (as long as it is legal!) and spend your days fulfilling your dreams. I love you and am so happy to have you as my mother! Happy Birthday.
To my sister-in-law! Although you are far away, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I know that you love birth anniversaries just as much as I do, so I hope that you are celebrating yours in style. Thank you for being such a fun and loving sister...the one I never had!!! I love you so much and Happy Birthday to you!!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Many of you who read this blog are friends and family of mine...thanks for reading and for your support. For those few of you that are not, how did you find this blog? What keeps you coming back? Perhaps it's the randomness of my posts? Or maybe you just googled something weird like "coconut cream pie" and came up with this blog? Maybe you are going through the infertility journey yourself and are looking for anything to inform you, entertain you, or make you feel like you're not alone?
If you are here because of the final reason, then this post is for you. I want to share a little story. A few months ago I was sitting in my doctor's office. I was there early, before work, waiting to get my blood drawn and for the inevitable ultrasound that involves a table and know what I mean. Anyway, it's a fun way to start the day, let's just say that. As I was waiting for the one hundred millionth billionth gazillionth blood draw, I looked around the room. There were a handful women (and a few men) all sitting, awaiting the same fate. We were all politely "minding our own business," not wanting to make eye contact for fear of invasion of privacy or something. I was playing the game too...and it made me sad.
You see, what I really wanted to do was reach out and say, "Hey, I am going through this crap too and it really stinks, doesn't it?" I guess you could say that I wanted solidarity. I didn't want the awkward silence. I wanted something more. No, I wasn't expecting a prayer circle or a rendition of Kum Ba Yah to get busted out, but maybe a nod...or perhaps a smile??? Why? Because we need each other. This little world of infertility isn't really that little at all and what if we all smiled at each other and made a pact that we are in a "safe place" when we're together? We need to know that we are not alone...we can draw strength from that. While everyone's journey is personal and unique, it is our responsibility to not be ashamed or embarassed of our situation.
So the next time you are at your doctor's office, I challenge you to smile or nod, or heck, say hi and introduce yourself. What have you got to lose? My guess is that it's a lot less than you will have to gain. Let's do this together...solidarity.
If you are here because of the final reason, then this post is for you. I want to share a little story. A few months ago I was sitting in my doctor's office. I was there early, before work, waiting to get my blood drawn and for the inevitable ultrasound that involves a table and know what I mean. Anyway, it's a fun way to start the day, let's just say that. As I was waiting for the one hundred millionth billionth gazillionth blood draw, I looked around the room. There were a handful women (and a few men) all sitting, awaiting the same fate. We were all politely "minding our own business," not wanting to make eye contact for fear of invasion of privacy or something. I was playing the game too...and it made me sad.
You see, what I really wanted to do was reach out and say, "Hey, I am going through this crap too and it really stinks, doesn't it?" I guess you could say that I wanted solidarity. I didn't want the awkward silence. I wanted something more. No, I wasn't expecting a prayer circle or a rendition of Kum Ba Yah to get busted out, but maybe a nod...or perhaps a smile??? Why? Because we need each other. This little world of infertility isn't really that little at all and what if we all smiled at each other and made a pact that we are in a "safe place" when we're together? We need to know that we are not alone...we can draw strength from that. While everyone's journey is personal and unique, it is our responsibility to not be ashamed or embarassed of our situation.
So the next time you are at your doctor's office, I challenge you to smile or nod, or heck, say hi and introduce yourself. What have you got to lose? My guess is that it's a lot less than you will have to gain. Let's do this together...solidarity.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Ways to keep yourself from going crazy this winter...
I personally do not like winter. This is ironic, considering I live in Chicago and our winters can be quite brutal. It comes down to the fact that I simply do not like being cold. Plus, you have to really plan what you're wearing...and not in a fun way. Walking to the train I need my long, hooded winter coat, scarf, hat, mittens and boots...not to mention my layers of clothing underneath! So while I am walking to the train I am warm-ish, but when I get on the train I am sweating and ready to rip off all of my layers. Ahhhh, city life and winter just don't mix.
So in the spirit of keeping my sanity on these shorter (although they are getting longer finally!), colder days I have found a few things that have helped me survive. Here they are in no certain order:
1) Read a good book. Trite advice I guess, but seriously, it's a good idea. My mom got me Bossypants by Tina Fey and it's hilarious! It's been fun to "escape" the cold with a funny biography.
2) Buy yourself something for the spring. Really, do it. Maybe it's a cute short-sleeve shirt or a fun pair of galoshes...whatever you'll give you something to look forward to.
3) Take a nap. Yes, I am serious. In the warmer months you won't want to because there will be so many fun things going on. In the winter, there's no better place to be than home, wrapped up in a warm blanket, taking a little snooze on your couch.
4) Try that "On Demand" exercise class. Maybe you just can't get yourself to the gym in this weather, but if you are a sucker like me, you have cable and with that you have "On Demand." Did you know that besides a million tv shows and movies, they have free exercise videos? Yup and they're pretty good. So roll out your yoga mat, put on your stretchy clothes and get ready for some downward dog.
5) Go ahead, buy that cupcake/ice cream cone/cookie. Yes, I am a dietitian, but I am a person too. :) If you don't allow yourself a little sweet treat every good once in awhile you will just be sad (not clinically proven...but for me, it's true).
6) Try something new. Maybe now is the time to take that art class or karate lesson. If you've been wanting to start something, do it now, when you have a little more free time.
By the time your done with all of those things, it'll be spring! I am looking forward to it, but I will continue to enjoy these little things until then.
So in the spirit of keeping my sanity on these shorter (although they are getting longer finally!), colder days I have found a few things that have helped me survive. Here they are in no certain order:
1) Read a good book. Trite advice I guess, but seriously, it's a good idea. My mom got me Bossypants by Tina Fey and it's hilarious! It's been fun to "escape" the cold with a funny biography.
2) Buy yourself something for the spring. Really, do it. Maybe it's a cute short-sleeve shirt or a fun pair of galoshes...whatever you'll give you something to look forward to.
3) Take a nap. Yes, I am serious. In the warmer months you won't want to because there will be so many fun things going on. In the winter, there's no better place to be than home, wrapped up in a warm blanket, taking a little snooze on your couch.
4) Try that "On Demand" exercise class. Maybe you just can't get yourself to the gym in this weather, but if you are a sucker like me, you have cable and with that you have "On Demand." Did you know that besides a million tv shows and movies, they have free exercise videos? Yup and they're pretty good. So roll out your yoga mat, put on your stretchy clothes and get ready for some downward dog.
5) Go ahead, buy that cupcake/ice cream cone/cookie. Yes, I am a dietitian, but I am a person too. :) If you don't allow yourself a little sweet treat every good once in awhile you will just be sad (not clinically proven...but for me, it's true).
6) Try something new. Maybe now is the time to take that art class or karate lesson. If you've been wanting to start something, do it now, when you have a little more free time.
By the time your done with all of those things, it'll be spring! I am looking forward to it, but I will continue to enjoy these little things until then.
Friday, February 3, 2012
A feeling of peace
Right now I feel completely and utterly at peace. The years and years I have spent saying "yes" and living my life in a whirlwind seem to have fallen to the wayside. I am not saddened by that at all. I beleive this sense of peace is only a result of my past experiences.
If I hadn't worked so hard in school, I wouldn't have my great job. If I hadn't exhausted myself with culinary school, I would've never been a chef. If I never took care of myself or exercised, I would've never completed marathons and triathlons. If I never said "yes" to the opportunities that came my way, I wouldn't appreciate this peace.
It is the first time I have actually recognized this feeling in my life. I am happy and I am truly at peace. While life still has it's challenges (my struggle with infertility, my inability to say "no" sometimes, family issues, etc), I am in a good place.
Maybe I have felt this peace before but never truly acknowledged it. From now on I plan on making it a goal of mine to live in the peace while I have it. I challenge you to do the same. Sometimes, just taking a moment to stop and reflect is all you need to feel it. It's like a warm hug or a deep sigh...nice.
Find your peace.
Right now I feel completely and utterly at peace. The years and years I have spent saying "yes" and living my life in a whirlwind seem to have fallen to the wayside. I am not saddened by that at all. I beleive this sense of peace is only a result of my past experiences.
If I hadn't worked so hard in school, I wouldn't have my great job. If I hadn't exhausted myself with culinary school, I would've never been a chef. If I never took care of myself or exercised, I would've never completed marathons and triathlons. If I never said "yes" to the opportunities that came my way, I wouldn't appreciate this peace.
It is the first time I have actually recognized this feeling in my life. I am happy and I am truly at peace. While life still has it's challenges (my struggle with infertility, my inability to say "no" sometimes, family issues, etc), I am in a good place.
Maybe I have felt this peace before but never truly acknowledged it. From now on I plan on making it a goal of mine to live in the peace while I have it. I challenge you to do the same. Sometimes, just taking a moment to stop and reflect is all you need to feel it. It's like a warm hug or a deep sigh...nice.
Find your peace.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
I was born today
Today is my birth anniversary (as my husband likes to call it). I love birthday's...not just mine, but everybody's! How can you not love a day where people celebrate you and you can eat as much cake as you want?
I've been pretty fortunate in that I have had so many wonderful birthdays. As a kid, I absolutely adored my birthday. My parents did a pretty amazing job at making me feel like my existence in this world was one of the best things that ever happened to them. I can remember many parties with my hats, party games (yes, pin the tail on the donkey was played), pizza and of course cake! So much fun.
Even as I have gotten older, I can still find the joy in birthdays. The kid in me loves the little birthday decorations, the special plates and napkins, balloons and even a present or two. I know that I am getting older and I should probably start treating birthdays like any other normal adult would...but I'm just not there yet...give me a couple of years.
So, as I sit here and reflect on my birth anniversary, it only seems right to thank my parents. Mom and Dad -thank you for bringing me into this world and for loving me with all of your hearts. You have inspired me in so many ways and continue to do so. Thank you for supporting me and making me the person I am today. I love you both very much.
I've been pretty fortunate in that I have had so many wonderful birthdays. As a kid, I absolutely adored my birthday. My parents did a pretty amazing job at making me feel like my existence in this world was one of the best things that ever happened to them. I can remember many parties with my hats, party games (yes, pin the tail on the donkey was played), pizza and of course cake! So much fun.
Even as I have gotten older, I can still find the joy in birthdays. The kid in me loves the little birthday decorations, the special plates and napkins, balloons and even a present or two. I know that I am getting older and I should probably start treating birthdays like any other normal adult would...but I'm just not there yet...give me a couple of years.
So, as I sit here and reflect on my birth anniversary, it only seems right to thank my parents. Mom and Dad -thank you for bringing me into this world and for loving me with all of your hearts. You have inspired me in so many ways and continue to do so. Thank you for supporting me and making me the person I am today. I love you both very much.
Friday, January 20, 2012
It's cold...I want Baked Oatmeal!
Do you have a favorite go-to recipe that you crave when you are seeking something comforting? I definitely have more than my share...let's see, my mom's infamous (and amazingly delicious) chicken and noodles, pizza (yes, this is also a comfort food for me), warm chocolate brownies....and there's of course many more.
When I am looking for a breakfast comfort food though, there is one that always hits the spot. That one is Baked Oatmeal. It's a recipe that I found years ago in Cooking Light magazine. In fact, my copy is so worn and yellowed that I am surprised I can still read it. I know what you're thinking, "I really don't like oatmeal." Well, first of all, shame on you! Second of all, I promise that even if you don't like oatmeal, you'll like this. It's basically an oatmeal souffle loaded with healthy protein (milk and walnuts), fiber and just a touch of sweetness. I like to bake mine on Sunday and then have it for breakfast in the morning for the rest of the week. I'll cut myself a little square and top it with some milk and microwave it for about 30-40 seconds. Yum!!! I've even taken it to work to have for lunch. So good...give it a will surely become one of your favorite comfort foods too.
Baked Oatmeal Recipe
Cooking Light Magazine, October 2003
2 cups uncooked quick-cooking oats
1/2 cup packed brown sugar (I don't think you need all of this...maybe just a couple of tablespoons)
1/3 cup raisins (or any dried fruit, Trader Joe's has a yummy dried berry blend that is great for this)
1 tablespoon chopped walnuts (Um, I usually add at least a 1/4 cup, chopped)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 1/2 cups fat-free milk (I use 1% organic, but that's just me)
1/2 cup applesauce
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 large egg, beaten
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (not in the original recipe, but it makes it much better!)
Cooking spray
When I am looking for a breakfast comfort food though, there is one that always hits the spot. That one is Baked Oatmeal. It's a recipe that I found years ago in Cooking Light magazine. In fact, my copy is so worn and yellowed that I am surprised I can still read it. I know what you're thinking, "I really don't like oatmeal." Well, first of all, shame on you! Second of all, I promise that even if you don't like oatmeal, you'll like this. It's basically an oatmeal souffle loaded with healthy protein (milk and walnuts), fiber and just a touch of sweetness. I like to bake mine on Sunday and then have it for breakfast in the morning for the rest of the week. I'll cut myself a little square and top it with some milk and microwave it for about 30-40 seconds. Yum!!! I've even taken it to work to have for lunch. So good...give it a will surely become one of your favorite comfort foods too.
Baked Oatmeal Recipe
Cooking Light Magazine, October 2003
2 cups uncooked quick-cooking oats
1/2 cup packed brown sugar (I don't think you need all of this...maybe just a couple of tablespoons)
1/3 cup raisins (or any dried fruit, Trader Joe's has a yummy dried berry blend that is great for this)
1 tablespoon chopped walnuts (Um, I usually add at least a 1/4 cup, chopped)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 1/2 cups fat-free milk (I use 1% organic, but that's just me)
1/2 cup applesauce
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 large egg, beaten
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (not in the original recipe, but it makes it much better!)
Cooking spray
- Preheat oven to 375°.
- Combine the first 5 ingredients in a medium bowl. Combine the milk, applesauce, butter, and egg. Add milk mixture to oat mixture; stir well. Pour oat mixture into an 8-inch square baking dish coated with cooking spray. Bake at 375° for 20 (I think it takes more like 30) minutes. Serve warm.
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Yup, the good stuff. |
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Oh my, so much lovliness in one little bowl! |
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The beauty, in all of its glory! |
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Mmmmm...homemade guacamole!
Have you ever.....
1) Purchased the delicious (yet VERY expensive) guacamole from Whole Foods?
2) Purchased the not-so-delicious (yet still kind of expensive) prepackaged, weirdly-colored guacamole at your neighborhood grocery store?
If you answered "yes" to either of the above questions, then I have an idea that will save your wallet and your tastebuds!!!
My solution? Glad you asked! Make your own. Yup, I said it, make your own. Believe it or not, it's much cheaper (I just bought an avocado for $1.00) and even more delicious because you control what goes in it. I know, you are worried about picking the right I correct? Well, it's easy...really.
Most of the avocados in our grocery stores are Hass avocados from California. Because they don't ripen on the tree, they may arrive to your grocery store rock hard. Depending on when you're going to use the avocado, this may not be a bad thing. For instance, you can absolutely buy the rock-solid avocado if you aren't planning on using it within the next few days. Just leave it on the counter and allow it to ripen at room temperature. Once it's ripe, just put it in the refrigerator until you are ready to use it (within a day or so would be good). If you want to use your avocado right away, be sure to pick one that gives slightly to light pressure. If it's bruised or dented or super-soft to the touch, it's not any good. If you aren't confidant, just ask the person working in the produce section. Trust me, they would rather be helping you than stacking bananas on the shelf.
Now that you have your perfect avocado, you will need to pick up a few other ingredients for this amazing guacamole that you're going to make. Those other ingredients include a yellow onion, fresh cilantro, a lime, garlic and a jalepeno. Ok, now you are ready!
Homemade Guacamole
1 avocado, peeled, seeded
2 tablespoons minced onion (or chopped whatever you prefer)
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice (more or less based on your preference)
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro (this can be left out if you dislike cilantro, but I don't recommend it)
1 tablespoon jalepeno (ribs and seeds for heat!), chopped
Place the avocado flesh in a bowl and mash with a fork or potato/avocado masher. Add remaining ingredients and stir to combine. Season with salt to taste. Done!
It's just that easy and delicious and you made it yourself!
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Beautiful Hass avocados! image from |
1) Purchased the delicious (yet VERY expensive) guacamole from Whole Foods?
2) Purchased the not-so-delicious (yet still kind of expensive) prepackaged, weirdly-colored guacamole at your neighborhood grocery store?
If you answered "yes" to either of the above questions, then I have an idea that will save your wallet and your tastebuds!!!
My solution? Glad you asked! Make your own. Yup, I said it, make your own. Believe it or not, it's much cheaper (I just bought an avocado for $1.00) and even more delicious because you control what goes in it. I know, you are worried about picking the right I correct? Well, it's easy...really.
Most of the avocados in our grocery stores are Hass avocados from California. Because they don't ripen on the tree, they may arrive to your grocery store rock hard. Depending on when you're going to use the avocado, this may not be a bad thing. For instance, you can absolutely buy the rock-solid avocado if you aren't planning on using it within the next few days. Just leave it on the counter and allow it to ripen at room temperature. Once it's ripe, just put it in the refrigerator until you are ready to use it (within a day or so would be good). If you want to use your avocado right away, be sure to pick one that gives slightly to light pressure. If it's bruised or dented or super-soft to the touch, it's not any good. If you aren't confidant, just ask the person working in the produce section. Trust me, they would rather be helping you than stacking bananas on the shelf.
Now that you have your perfect avocado, you will need to pick up a few other ingredients for this amazing guacamole that you're going to make. Those other ingredients include a yellow onion, fresh cilantro, a lime, garlic and a jalepeno. Ok, now you are ready!
Homemade Guacamole
1 avocado, peeled, seeded
2 tablespoons minced onion (or chopped whatever you prefer)
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice (more or less based on your preference)
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro (this can be left out if you dislike cilantro, but I don't recommend it)
1 tablespoon jalepeno (ribs and seeds for heat!), chopped
Place the avocado flesh in a bowl and mash with a fork or potato/avocado masher. Add remaining ingredients and stir to combine. Season with salt to taste. Done!
It's just that easy and delicious and you made it yourself!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
The Cold that won't Quit
Me: "Um, excuse me nasty, yucky, snotty cold living inside me, can you please go away?"
Nasty, Yucky, Snotty Cold: "No way! It's awesome in here!"
Yes, this is the conversation I feel like I have been having with myself everyday for the last few days. Maybe I am becoming sick in the head too? No, I think I've always had that problem.
So unusual for me to get sick. In fact, last week, when I was convulsively shivering (which I thought was just me feeling cold), it didn't even cross my mind that I could have a fever (101'F! Holy cow!). No way! I haven't had a fever in years! It was straight up awful. I laid in bed for two days straight and it finally went away...but it left a bunch of snot in it's place...thanks so much.
Here's my point. Colds (or whatever this is) really stink, but maybe it's a way for our bodies to tell us it's time to slow down and take it easy. Rest...relax...rejuvinate.
So, I hate you cold and yet...I love you! Now go get 'em immune system!!!
Nasty, Yucky, Snotty Cold: "No way! It's awesome in here!"
Yes, this is the conversation I feel like I have been having with myself everyday for the last few days. Maybe I am becoming sick in the head too? No, I think I've always had that problem.
So unusual for me to get sick. In fact, last week, when I was convulsively shivering (which I thought was just me feeling cold), it didn't even cross my mind that I could have a fever (101'F! Holy cow!). No way! I haven't had a fever in years! It was straight up awful. I laid in bed for two days straight and it finally went away...but it left a bunch of snot in it's place...thanks so much.
Here's my point. Colds (or whatever this is) really stink, but maybe it's a way for our bodies to tell us it's time to slow down and take it easy. Rest...relax...rejuvinate.
So, I hate you cold and yet...I love you! Now go get 'em immune system!!!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Thank you 2011!
Whew...back home in Chicago. After 8 days away from our humble home, it's nice to be back. Let me say this though, we had an amazing time with all of our friends and family. There's nothing better than sharing the holidays with the people you love the most.
On our windy drive home, I had some time to do some thinking. As I stared out of the car window into the overcast sky, my thoughts started to drift to the upcoming year. What will 2012 hold in store for me? I started dreaming about babies and vacations and washers and dryers (yes, I dream about those things), and stopped myself. Perhaps, before I focus on the future, I should celebrate the past.
So, in no certain order, here are some of the good things (so Martha Stewart of me!) that happened in my life in 2011!
1) I started this blog! :) No explanation needed there!
2) I met my amazing doctor who I adore!
3) My brother met his future wife! Fun! Another sister!
4) My brother-in-law just got engaged to a wonderful woman.
5) My mom promised that she wouldn't move again for awhile (this is great for those of us that know her).
6) I got a cool writing gig with a professional publication.
7) I celebrated my 6th wedding anniversary.
8) I learned a few new culinary skills...or maybe I should say "re-learned." (Breaking down a chicken is a skill my friends!)
9) I won a recipe contest...not going to lie, that was pretty fun.
10) My friends and family remained healthy!!!
There are so many more, and I am so grateful to have had such an amazing year. Thank you 2011 for all of the goodness you provided.
Looking forward to 2012! Happy New Year to everyone!
On our windy drive home, I had some time to do some thinking. As I stared out of the car window into the overcast sky, my thoughts started to drift to the upcoming year. What will 2012 hold in store for me? I started dreaming about babies and vacations and washers and dryers (yes, I dream about those things), and stopped myself. Perhaps, before I focus on the future, I should celebrate the past.
So, in no certain order, here are some of the good things (so Martha Stewart of me!) that happened in my life in 2011!
1) I started this blog! :) No explanation needed there!
2) I met my amazing doctor who I adore!
3) My brother met his future wife! Fun! Another sister!
4) My brother-in-law just got engaged to a wonderful woman.
5) My mom promised that she wouldn't move again for awhile (this is great for those of us that know her).
6) I got a cool writing gig with a professional publication.
7) I celebrated my 6th wedding anniversary.
8) I learned a few new culinary skills...or maybe I should say "re-learned." (Breaking down a chicken is a skill my friends!)
9) I won a recipe contest...not going to lie, that was pretty fun.
10) My friends and family remained healthy!!!
There are so many more, and I am so grateful to have had such an amazing year. Thank you 2011 for all of the goodness you provided.
Looking forward to 2012! Happy New Year to everyone!
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