For those of you that know me personally, you may be a little saddened that I have the time to sit and write a post today. For those of you that don't know me, you likely didn't think anything about what's the big deal? Well, let's just say that the oven is hot and the bun is still cookin'.
I kept trying to talk our little one into being one of the 3% that is actually born on their due date, but no, she wasn't having it. Instead, I spent the entire night of sleep waiting for it to happen. I know that's totally ridiculous, but I kept thinking it was going to happen. I must have flipped a million times last night, feeling my belly, wondering if what I felt was a true such luck. Instead, I woke up tired and wishing the sun didn't have to shine so brightly into our living room.
I want you to realize that I completely understand that this birth-thing is out of my control, but it seems to be the only thing that occupies my mind these days. Go figure. Every time I step outside for a walk or some other task, I am sure that my water will break (which apparently doesn't even happen that often) and I will go into labor right there on the sidewalk. This scares the heck out of me because, as you know, I live in Chicago, and our sidewalks aren't known for being super clean and sterile. Or what if I am at Target or the grocery store? Or worse, what if I am on the El? Yikes! Luckily, my train days are mostly over for the moment, so the train possibility is pretty slim...but still, what a nightmare that would be!
So hopefully this will be my last post before our bundle of joy arrives. After that, we'll see how random and discombobulated these posts will become. Until then, I will do my best to enjoy my final seconds, minutes, hours, and days of pregnancy!
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