Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Baby's First Food...I mean, solid food...I mean sort of solid food...oh, you know what I mean!

This past weekend we introduced our little bundle of joy to baby oat cereal.  I don't know who was more or her...ok, it was me.  Maybe it's because I am a dietitian...or maybe it's because I am a chef...or maybe it's just because I love food, but I had been totally looking forward to this day.  And I was not disappointed.

Probably no one on this earth has made as big of a fuss about their bundle eating their first solid food than I did.  This was a BIG DEAL.  Cue the cute bib, the perfect little spoon, the camera and oh yeah, the cereal!  Well, let's just say the whole thing was anyone with children knows...bundle was a hot, hot mess after all was said and done.  But, it was adorable...watching her take her first bite...skeptical, but then really digging it.  So much so that she was reaching for the spoon and even crying out for it when it was taken away for the split second needed to refill it.

It was so much fun and now I am totally looking forward when we can move on to more fun stuff like sweet potatoes, green beans and other yummy foods.  She won't know what to do with herself!

Bon Apetit little Bundle!

1 comment:

  1. Chocolate pudding, cake and cookies, oh wait! That's at Grandmas' house!
