Friday, April 19, 2013

Breastfeeding is Not for the Faint of Heart

Before the bundle was born I spent hours worrying about breastfeeding.  How would I know if I was doing it right?  What if I couldn't breastfeed for some reason?  Which positions worked hold (really, holding your baby like a football?) or laying down (seems nice...)?  Will I know if she's "latched-on" properly?  I seriously spent way too much time thinking about all of this.  I read the books and still felt completely overwhelmed.

In the beginning, the bundle was a horrible feeder.  She would constantly fall asleep much so that we had to force her to stay awake.  The husband's duty during those early days of feeding was to make sure she was awake...tugging gently on her little arm, tickling her ear or chin, patting her neck with a damp washcloth...really, it was hilarious...not at the time of course...but now it's hilarious.  I was so confused and worried, that I eventually called in a lactation consultant.  She was awesome and basically told me I was doing everything right...which was really all I needed to hear.

Flash forward a few months and everything has changed.  I should first note that when I had envisioned breastfeeding my little bundle, warm fuzzy pictures of a docile, cooing baby in my arms came to mind.  You know, like the images you see in books and movies.  Um...not the case with my bundle.  She is anything but docile during feeds.  If she's not swinging her legs or arms, she's pulling her ear or face.  And recently she's been pulling on my hair or pinching the back of my sweet and loving...geez.  But, that's just her and I wouldn't want her any other way.

So, I won't worry about those bruises on the backs of my arms or the bald patches that may start forming on my head soon.  Nope, I'll just be grateful that my little bundle is getting the nutrition she needs to power that strong and willful body of hers.

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