Yesterday was my husband's birthday...or birth anniversary as he likes to call it. One thing you should know about him is that he doesn't like a lot of fuss about his birthday. Maybe it has to do that he has always had to share it with Thanksgiving, or that he's just such a modest guy, I'm not sure. Then there's me...the polar opposite. I LOVE to fuss about his birthday...probably much to his dismay.
It's important to me because I want him to know how happy I am to have him in my life. When I met my husband, I knew I had met the man I wanted to marry. It's weird how life works like that. I could be myself around him and he seemed to love me...even with all of my flaws. He is smart, caring, loving, thoughtful, compassionate, giving and so much more. He is my rock and I cannot imagine my life without him in it. He has been my Prince Charming and my "happy ever after." I love him more and more every day and am blessed to have such an amazing person as my husband.
To me, birthdays are important...they are a reminders that we should be grateful for the presence of amazing people in our lives. Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband...I love you very much!
Happy Birthday Mike!!