Sunday, July 21, 2013


As you know, I have been introducing new foods to our little bundle and boy has she surprised me with what she likes..lentils, black beans and broccoli???  Yup, it's true she actually likes those things.  I didn't even have to bribe her...she just ate them...that's my girl!

I have been one of those super-crazy moms about what I have been feeding her.  Yes, I am one of those nutty women who makes sure that whatever goes in my daughter's mouth is organic, has been allowed to graze in open pastures, is free of chemicals and dyes and is the most pure source of nutrition possible.  (I know, it's completely ridiculous!)  But, for some reason, this makes me feel like a good mom.  (Geez!)

So, you can only guess my reaction when my pediatrician suggested trying Cheerios for my new now hands-on eater.  What?  Cheerios?  Oh no...NOT my baby.  That is wayyyyy too processed for her precious little body.  Ridiculous...really, I know...I feel stupid just writing it.  Anyway, after some computer research...oh my gosh, get off my back, of course I researched this...I decided to wait.  Instead, I bought organic kamut puffs....yes I did and she likes them!

But, for some reason Cheerios just kept popping in my head.  I mean how many times have I seen a kid noshing on Cheerios with glee in his eyes?  More than I can count.  For crying out loud, I LOVED Cheerios when I was a kid.  So, I did it everyone...I bought Cheerios and not even the organic version they sell at Whole Foods.  Nope, 100% Cheerios and you know what...she LOVES them...just as I thought.

So here's to you Cheerios!  May you continue to bring joy into young little teething tots around the world!

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