Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sights and sounds of Chi-town

Because I live in a big city, I find that there are always entertaining things happening around me.  I figure that since I find these things to be so interesting, other people might as well.  So here it goes, my recent run-in's with the people of Chicago....

1) Something you don't see everyday that I saw yesterday: a woman walking down the bike lane of a main street in Chicago wearing a dress and carrying a rolling pin.

2) Being approached by a young man asking me where he can buy Swisher cigars/cigarettes.  My response, "um, have you tried the Jewel or Walgreens?"  Then he asks me if I response "No man, I am pregnant!!!"  (FYI- I look super pregnant these days, there's no question about it.")

3) A scattering of miniature marshmallows along the sidewalk...for two city blocks!

4) A woman walking towards me, pointing to my belly and saying "What a big boy!"  Um, ok.

5) I was downtown, outside of an office building and saw a gentleman wearing running clothes and stretching...not too out the ordinary...except that he had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.  Sure enough, when he was done enjoying his smoking stretch, he took off for a jog.  Hmmm...

Ahhhh Chicago, what's not to love? 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Lovely Wedding

I had the honor last weekend of being part of a very special event.  That special event was the marriage of my brother and my new sister-in-law.  :) 

It all started with a leisurely drive to the wedding location, which included a surprising, yet much needed soft pretzel stop (thank you husband!).  From there it was off to lunch, then the hair salon, then an hour-long dance/play session with my niece...then, the big event.

I don't know who they know upstairs,  but in the middle of this scorching hot summer, my brother and his wife-to-be, got the most beautiful evening possible for their wedding.  It was a lovely ceremony and I played a minor role in saying a small little reading about the two of them.  It went well, however now I know that I shouldn't use sticky post-it paper for writing speeches!  Nothing like a dramatic pause between every page turn!

It was a fun time and let me say this, those two know how to throw a party!  Lots of laughing and dancing and good times.

I have never seen my brother so happy and I am so excited to have a new sister-in-law (and niece!).  We should all be so fortunate to find our soul mates...I know I am glad that I found mine!!!

Much love to you newlyweds!  Cheers to years of love and happiness.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Piano Man

As I was cleaning up around our place, I noticed that a few things had piled up on the piano.  Instead of treating it like the beautiful musical instrument that it is, we were using it as a landing pad for random things like slippers, keys, magazine, etc.  Noticing this, I was a little embarassed and also it got me thinking...I hadn't heard my husband play in awhile.

So, selfishly I thought that if I cleaned it off, then maybe he would sit down and play.  Ironically, that same night, after work and dinner, he noticed the bench was clear and the music was out.  He sat down and started to play and I, being the emotional pregnant wreck that I am these days, started to get tears in my eyes.

You see, he is good...really good, and he can hear music and put music together like no one I know.  It's beautiful to watch and listen to him play.  I am guessing our little one was impressed too because as soon as she heard the piano, I felt her dancing.  She seemed to be happy by what her daddy was doing.  In that moment, I had visions of our little one sitting next to her Daddy, legs swinging on the bench, learning how to play...and I loved it. 

We have so much to look forward too.  I am so grateful for my husband's talents and hope that our little girl will be given the gift of music too.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Thank you for the seat

As part of life in the big city, I take the train to work everyday.  For some of you, this sounds really cool, even fun (the husband is definitely one of those people).  I am not going to knock public transportation (at least not in this post).  In fact, it's quite awesome to not have to get in a car and try to drive in this crazy city.  The only thing that has made communting this way difficult these days is the large basketball I am carrying on the front of my torso...I mean, my beautiful baby bump!  :)

Many pregnant women have gone before me in this train adventure.  I can picture them now, struggling to find a post to hang-on while the young guy in the suit is sitting and reading his Wall Street Journal. Whatever happened to chivalry?  If I was sitting, I would always be sure to offer my seat to one of these lucky ladies...I mean, it's hard enough to hang on when you're not pregnant.

So, I am now the pregnant lady on the train.  Every day is a test of the kindness of strangers.  Will someone be kind enough to let me rest on the train?  Do they know how unsteady I am these days with my belly protruding outward at full salute?  Do they know how hard it is to just be comfortable?  Or how bad it feels to get smashed against other train-goers, trying to protect my child from getting elbowed?  Riding the train is no easy task.

Ironically, I have noticed a trend in the kind souls who offer up their seat to me.  Who are they?  Well, they are ALWAYS women!  Yes, it doesn't even matter the age.  I have had teenage girls offer up their seats, middle-aged women and even older women.  It is amazing and I am always so appreciative and grateful to them.  So ladies, even though it's annoying to have to get up from your seat, I want you to know, that on behalf of all of us pregnant ladies out there, we think the world of you!!!  A safe and painless ride to work is worth more than you'll ever know.

So, my question is...what about you men out there?  Maybe you should put down your papers, put away your I-Phones and look around every one in awhile to see if anyone else may need a seat.  I haven't lost complete faith in the male species in this respect, but you can be sure I'm still keeping track.  So far, are leading the pack...congratulations!


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Organic fruits and vegetables...are they worth the extra $$?

As a dietitian and chef, I get this question all of the time.  I usually answer it the same way.  If you, can, than yes, you should absolutely buy some foods organic.  Why?  Some foods readily absorb the pesticides and sprays used to keep them alive and help them grow.  Those pesticides aren't necessarily the best for our health...causing cancer and other diseases.  So what should you buy organic?  There's actually a list called the Dirty Dozen and here it is...the foods you should buy organic:

The Dirty Dozen:
Grapes (Imported)
Sweet Bell Peppers
Kale/Collard Greens

If some are good to buy organic, why not all?  Well, studies have shown that there are some fruits/veggies that aren't as likely to harbor pesticides as others.  For those, there really is no sense in spending extra money...spend that money on something else!

The Clean Fifteen:
Sweet Onions
Sweet Corn
Sweet peas
Sweet Potatoes

Now it's time to get yourself to the grocery store!