Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bring on the Madness

Hmmm, to what am I referring with the title of this post?  Is it a reference to my general state of mind these days...or perhaps it is a reference to my super active ambitious baby...or maybe it has to do with a certain thing that happens around this time of year.

I am going to assume that you did not guess MARCH MADNESS.  :)  Yes, I am talking about college hoops here people.  Can you blame me?  I mean I am from Indiana and my Hoosiers happen to be kinda' good this year (finally!).  This time of year is always fun and I definitely love filling out my bracket.

Which leads me to this post.  Each year, my husband runs a little tournament with friends and family for the NCAA tournament.  He is quite proud of this fact and I have to say, he manages it quite well...lots of email updates, non-monetary awards and honors for particular picks...he's certainly creative.  This year is a little different because of our little bundle.  Not as much time will likely go into it as previous years...but have no fear, the spirit is still there.  So much so in fact, that the little bundle will have her own bracket.  A bracket she actually filled out herself.

What?  How did she fill out a bracket?  Well, I am glad you asked.  The husband came up with an ingenious idea involving numbered blocks.  We had the blocks set out in front of her and whichever one she grabbed was the winner of a particular round.  Now, this was no easy feat to set up and manage...there were a few tears (from the bundle and the husband), but after a good 20 minutes, the bundle got her bracket all set up.  Too bad we didn't take any video of this...I doubt no one in their right mind has ever gone to such measures before.

So, here we go again...time for madness...and time for some basketball people!  Go Hoosiers!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Six Months Old

Wow, I can hardly believe it!  My sweet little baby bundle of joy is officially 6 months old today.  It seems trite to say this, but time really does fly.  It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital...happy, excited, tired, overwhelmed...tired....tired....hmmm, some things don't change.

Seriously though, our little bundle is amazing and it has been a joy to watch her grow and thrive.  No longer is just a little sweet lump sleeping in her crib.  She's a full-on small person who loves to explore and play.  She's sitting now, grabbing at everything (especially her feet), eating everything she can get her hands on (including those feet) and so much more.

I love you little bundle and I am so happy to have you in my life!!!  I can't wait to see what the next 6 months bring!

Friday, March 8, 2013


I woke up this morning in a sour mood.  I was feeling annoyed because yesterday wasn't the best day for the little bundle.  Poor naps, lots of puking and was enough to make me want to go and hide in the corner.  It seemed like nothing I did made her feel any was so frustrating.  To top it off, she had a pretty poor night of sleep.

So, here I was this morning, feeling nice and sorry for myself when I overheard a story on The Today Show. I guess I was meant to hear it because before that, I had been busy in the bedroom cleaning...not paying any attention to the fact, I normally don't even have it on.

The story was about a woman who had written a book about her son that she had lost to Tay-Sachs disease. The book is called The Still Point of the Turning World and below is an excerpt from that book.  Read on and you'll understand why I was meant to hear her story...

"My son died on February 15, a month shy of his third birthday. When he was nine months old Ronan was diagnosed with Tay-Sachs disease, an always fatal genetic neurological condition with no treatment and no cure. Every morning after the diagnosis I woke up with a sense of dread: Would today be the day he lost his vision, all his movement, his ability to eat? What kinds of seizures would he have? Most of his days were calm and peaceful, full of food and rest and fun. When he died, I mourned him, and I will always miss him, love him, grieve him, but I was relieved that he was released from a body that could not live in this world.

During these long years of Ronan’s illness, and in these thunderous weeks following his death, I see children with their parents in the coffee shop, playing in the park, bundling into cars in the small town in New Mexico where I live. The parents often look distracted, or annoyed, or exhausted; I understand these states of being, as I have been all three. Parenting is difficult, and even if your child dies, it goes on; the memory of it, and especially, in my case, the lessons I learned from being a mother to a terminally ill little boy who was completely good, wholly innocent and entirely helpless.
This is what parenting a child with no future has taught me: Nothing is forever. There is only now, the moment, the love you bear, the knowledge that loving is about letting go, and that the power of a person’s grief is a reflection of the depth of their love.
All of us are mortal; all of us will die, but we don’t like to think about it. Instead we focus on our achievements, and often those of our children. What will they do? Who will they become? How can I provide for them the best possible future? Of course this is part of the task of parenting; to usher a child into the world and prepare them to prosper within it. But parents all over the world will lose their children, and some of us will watch our children die. How does the knowledge that nothing lasts forever and that all of our time is limited change the way we approach the world?
Will we be fearless in our pursuit to live a life we consider big and beautiful, no matter what other people might think of our choices and no matter what difficult changes we might have to make? How does this knowledge affect the way we parent? Not knowing what tomorrow will bring, would we be so concerned with our children’s “progress” and perhaps more interested in activities that simply make them happy?
The Still Point of the Turning World
Penguin Press
What I’d like to say to the parents of healthy children: A child is a person, not a project. Ease up. Chaos will find all of us eventually, but in the moment, how can you be fully present? How can you love your child purely and simply, with no agenda, without a goal, without a net?
When I was in high school, I had a car with an eight-track player, so my musical choices were locked in the 1970s. I loved the song “Take it Easy” by the Eagles. I think of it often as I drive along Highway 14, sometimes crying for Ronan, always missing him, watching the light moving over the desert mountains. Take it easy, I want to say to those parents with healthy children. Enjoy your time now, rest and relax, try to stay in the moment before it’s gone. Ease up. Take it easy."

Yes, it's time to take it easy...there is no need to be sour.  Especially since, as I write this blog, my little bundle is napping peacefully in her crib.  No day is perfect and no one ever said parenting is easy, but I need to practice more of that living in the moment business...sometimes it just takes a reminder. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Baby's First Food...I mean, solid food...I mean sort of solid food...oh, you know what I mean!

This past weekend we introduced our little bundle of joy to baby oat cereal.  I don't know who was more or her...ok, it was me.  Maybe it's because I am a dietitian...or maybe it's because I am a chef...or maybe it's just because I love food, but I had been totally looking forward to this day.  And I was not disappointed.

Probably no one on this earth has made as big of a fuss about their bundle eating their first solid food than I did.  This was a BIG DEAL.  Cue the cute bib, the perfect little spoon, the camera and oh yeah, the cereal!  Well, let's just say the whole thing was anyone with children knows...bundle was a hot, hot mess after all was said and done.  But, it was adorable...watching her take her first bite...skeptical, but then really digging it.  So much so that she was reaching for the spoon and even crying out for it when it was taken away for the split second needed to refill it.

It was so much fun and now I am totally looking forward when we can move on to more fun stuff like sweet potatoes, green beans and other yummy foods.  She won't know what to do with herself!

Bon Apetit little Bundle!