Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Final Days

This is it!  I am nearing the finish line of this pregnancy.  Can you believe it?  Neither can I!  Well, yes I can actually because my body is telling me it's done.  Nature certainly has a funny way of turning your thoughts from "I'm not ready yet" to "I am completely and utterly READY."  Now, am I really ready?  Of course not, no one ever really is, but let's just say I am more ready than I have ever been.  On that note, I would like to share with you some of the things that have been occupying my mind as well as some things that are floating through my head.  Hold on tight...this will be random, and totally meaningless.

1) What's the best part of going to the doctor these days?  Glad you asked.  It definitely has to be peeing in that little plastic cup. Every time they hand me that little cup I laugh to myself.  I laugh because it is nearly an impossible feat.  I mean it's a challenge to pee in that little cup when you're not pregnant, let alone when you are almost at your due date.  Isn't there a better way???  

2) I have gone from being completely scared by labor (no thanks to TLC's A Baby Story) to more of a mentality of "bring it on!"  Again, I suppose this is nature's way of arming you for the big day.  Luckily, as my mom pointed out, I have dealt with pain plenty of times...I never seemed to shy away from it before, so why start now?  Pain means progress and pain = baby!

3) I am currently in the process of asking everyone I know that's ever been pregnant what they have done to trigger labor.  From long walks to strange things that I won't post here, I have officially heard it all.  Wanting to do my own research, I of course went straight to the most reliable source I know...the internet.  Googling this topic has ended with mixed results and I am beginning to wonder if any of it actually works.  I think this is another sign that I am ready.

4) I am wondering if I will ever be the smart, quick-witted person I was before I was pregnant.  I am not saying I was a genius or anything, but man, I sure felt smarter 9 months ago.  I didn't believe people when they told me I was going to lose my mind, but I am sure that I have and if you asked the husband, he would find some nice way of agreeing that yes, I have lost my mind.  We both want to know when I will get it back...ever?

5) On a related note, I am a hot mess of emotions.  I am usually not the type that cries at everything or has drastic mood swings, but these days, it's anybody's guess on how I am going to react to a situation.  It's actually hilarious...not at the time of course...but afterward, when I've settled down from whatever "moment" I was having.  Sometimes I don't even know what I was so worked up about...which is super fun for the husband I'm sure.  I am fully blaming this on hormones!

Well, that's enough fun for now. Here's to the final few days of this pregnancy!  It's been amazing and wonderful...but I can officially say with conviction that I am ready to meet my little one.

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts. Responses below
    1) austrian collection tray
    2) epidural
    3) jane?
    4) no
    5) related to #4
