Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cooling off the Oven

Hello? Um, hello? Anybody out there?

Well, it finally happened! The bun is officially out of the oven. As you can probably tell due to the lapse in posts, I have been just a little bit busy.

Our little bundle of joy came into this world in September and our lives are forever changed! It wasn't the easiest delivery, but when I heard her cry and when they placed her on my chest, all the pain was forgotten.

Those first few weeks....oh, who am I kidding...these first few months have been HARD! Lack of sleep and trying to figure out our little one is like no other challenge I have ever faced. But it's a challenge I am ready to take on.

I am smitten and totally in love with my little one.  I will do my best to keep up with this blog, but with a new focus.  I will discuss the crazy, cute, funny, and not-so-funny things I encounter during parenthood and life with a newborn.  And, as she starts to eat, share recipes and other nutrition tidbits.

Well, that's all of the time I have now...I hear my little bundle waking up from a nap!


  1. Thanks for getting back to us! We missed your fresh and funny insights and cannot wait to hear more!Congratulations!

  2. Can we call you "cold oven" for now?
