Saturday, January 7, 2012

Thank you 2011!

Whew...back home in Chicago.  After 8 days away from our humble home, it's nice to be back.  Let me say this though, we had an amazing time with all of our friends and family.  There's nothing better than sharing the holidays with the people you love the most. 

On our windy drive home, I had some time to do some thinking.  As I stared out of the car window into the overcast sky, my thoughts started to drift to the upcoming year.  What will 2012 hold in store for me?  I started dreaming about babies and vacations and washers and dryers (yes, I dream about those things), and stopped myself.  Perhaps, before I focus on the future, I should celebrate the past.

So, in no certain order, here are some of the good things (so Martha Stewart of me!) that happened in my life in 2011!

1) I started this blog!  :)  No explanation needed there!
2) I met my amazing doctor who I adore!
3) My brother met his future wife!  Fun! Another sister!
4) My brother-in-law just got engaged to a wonderful woman.
5) My mom promised that she wouldn't move again for awhile (this is great for those of us that know her).
6) I got a cool writing gig with a professional publication.
7) I celebrated my 6th wedding anniversary.
8) I learned a few new culinary skills...or maybe I should say "re-learned."  (Breaking down a chicken is a skill my friends!)
9) I won a recipe contest...not going to lie, that was pretty fun.
10) My friends and family remained healthy!!!

There are so many more, and I am so grateful to have had such an amazing year.  Thank you 2011 for all of the goodness you provided. 

Looking forward to 2012!  Happy New Year to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Did I really promise that?! I thought I was moving to Chicago - in with you?!
