Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Life is a Journey

It seems hard to believe that my little one will be entering the world pretty soon.  Not even a year ago I was still on my infertility journey.  Making weekly trips to the doctor followed by disappointment after disappointment.  To say that it was rough would be an understatement.

I have been so consumed with the pregnancy and getting ready for our bundle of joy, that I have pushed those memories to the back of my brain.  But something stirred them up, and I am glad that it did.  The other day when I was in church, I was sitting there, enjoying the peace, the quiet and the air conditioning and I started to day dream a little.  I was remembering the past couple of years and the struggle and then all of a sudden a sense of peace and happiness spilled over me.  It kind of took me by surprise actually...a sort feeling like being tucked in by a warm blanket...and as I rubbed my belly, I realized just how lucky I truly am...I finally had been blessed with a baby and I felt so grateful.  

It's easy to get caught up in the rigamarole of daily life.  Little things happen that seem so important at the time.  I don't ever want to forget the journey that took place to get me here.  It's a part of who I am and it's a story that makes the existence of our little gift so precious.

So, let's not forget our journey's...no matter how painful, as they shape who we are and what we become.  Not only that, but they make us grateful for how lucky we truly are.