Saturday, July 2, 2011

Running for Fun

One thing you may not know about me at this point is that I am an athlete.  No, not the professional kind that gets paid, but the kind that grew up playing sports and continues to be active in adulthood. 

It started in gradeschool with volleyball.  I was never the best, but I sure did try hard and always made the team.  In highschool I continued to play volleyball, but also took up tennis.  When I went to college, I decided to become a cyclist and joined the university's club team. 

I love sports.  I love to sweat (yes, indeed and I am quite good at it), I love the adrenaline and I love the sense of accomplishment. 

When I moved to Chicago, I found that it was way too hard to get on a bike and actually get anywhere.  No open roads around here.  So, I decided to take up a sport that I didn't love at first, but was virtually free and I could do it anywhere.  That sport was running.

Ok, so when I say running, I guess I mean "fast jogging," as I am no Jackie Joyner-Kersee.  Don't get me wrong, when challenged and well-trained I can do pretty well, but these days I am running for fun.  (Ha, running for fun, I never thought I would be the one saying that!)

In fact, running has become a great outlet for dealing with stress in my life.  Not only that, it's a hobby that I share with my wonderful husband.  When long work days are done, I actually look forward to our 4 milers in the evening because I know that we'll have time to talk and laugh and de-stress.  A total win-win as far as I am concerned.

I know that running isn't for everyone.  In fact, most of my family thinks it's crazy that I have done marathons and triathlons, but I run for me.  I run for the pure joy of being outside, for the amazement at what a miracle machine my body is, for the feeling of freedom and for the special time I get with my husband.

Thank you running for giving me an outlet like nothing else can.

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